S’pore Only Hot Spring Will Reopen On 4 Jan 2020 With Cascading Pool, Floral Walk & Cafe

Are you the kind of person who enjoys getting scalded with hot water while showering because it feels good?

Reader: Uh, not really. Why would anyon-

And do you enjoy taking baths in front of strangers in public?

Reader: What? Why the hell would I like something like that you sick fu-

Well, you’re in luck because Singapore’s only hot spring will reopen next year!

Reader: OK, you’re going to tell me about this whether I like it or not, aren’t you?

I sure am!

S’pore Only Hot Spring Will Reopen On 4 Jan 2020

After 16 months of renovation, Singapore’s only hot spring will finally reopen on 4 Jan next year with some enhanced amenities!

According to the National Parks Board (NParks), construction works at the park were completed by Oct 2019, but the park will only be open to the public next year.

And when it does open, it’s going to be bigger, better, and hotter than ever. (Actually, the temperature will probably be the same)

Cascading pool

One of the new amenities is a beautiful cascading spring water pool. It’ll be awaiting the coins and wishes of visitors all over the country.

Image: Facebook (Lawrence Wong)

You can have a relaxing foot bath here with your friends and soothe all your anxieties with the calming sounds of the cascading pool.

Floral walk

There will also be a new floral walk at the park, much like the one at Singapore Botanic Gardens.

Image: TripAdvisor

According to MS News, the floral walk will have flowers commonly found in a kampung, such as golden trumpet and oleander.

Image: EOL

I should mention that the new park is reported to be 10 times its original size, which is why they have so much space for all these new attractions.

Image: Giphy

Cafe, cooking water, and jogging paths

If all that relaxation is making you hungry, bring along some eggs, because there will even be an area with running hot spring water to cook eggs.

Image: NParks

There’ll also be sheltered walkways, jogging paths, and a cafe where visitors will have a beautiful view of all the lush greenery.

Image: NParks
Image: NParks

Remember to note the date down on your calendars and invite your friends, family or even that classmate you’ve been dying to ask out.

Would you like to cook some eggs on nature’s stove with me?

Who could say no?

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