Show Luo Allegedly Had a Pool Party With 20 Women in a Villa Despite COVID-19 Outbreak

In case you didn’t know, Show Luo used to be hot before the Internet took him away from us.

Back in the days when our only source of entertainment was TV, the Taiwanese was in every channel, hosting so many shows that I’d have thought that he was the only host in the whole of Taiwan.

The 40-year-old singer / host / actor is still very active in showbiz, but he’s been on the news for the wrong reasons recently.

Last month, it was rumoured that the guy might have broken up with his influencer girlfriend whom he’s been dating since 2015 and went public in 2017.

And just recently, he was allegedly involved in a pool party—and it’d have been fine except that it’s now the COVID-19 period.

Show Luo Allegedly Had Party With 20 Women in a Pool Party Despite COVID-19 Outbreak

Taiwan has handled the COVID-19 well—so well, the country is one of the few in the world that hasn’t initiated a lockdown.

Also, the country’s infection rate is consistently low: after a spike of daily cases in the later part of March, the country now reports 10 or less new cases daily, and even so, a majority of them are imported cases.

As of time of writing, the country has only 376 confirmed cases.

You can read this article on why Taiwan managed to keep it under control so well.

But just like any country, social distancing is encouraged since it’s the proven way to keep a pandemic under control.

Which is why people are triggered when this video surfaced:

Exposed by Apple Daily, the same publication that made Andy Hui a household name everywhere, it’s alleged that Show Luo and fellow Taiwanese actor Daikon were at a pool party with over 20 “busty” female influencers.

And once again, it all came to light because someone decided to post Instagram stories of what happened.

According to person who exposed the video to Apple Daily, these are some of the “influencers” mentioned:

It allegedly happened in Yilan last Saturday (4 April 2020).

So far, both Show Luo and Daikon haven’t responded to the incident.

And in the meantime, we Singaporeans can’t even head over to a swimming pool.

Life’s unfair.

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