Ex-Luggage Handler Who Intentionally Swapped Luggage Tags For ‘Revenge’ Jailed

We all have, in us, an instinct to hurt people back as much as they’ve hurt us.

Spite, vengeance, getting our own back, an-eye-for-an-eye; call it whatever you want, but the end result remains the same:

Everybody loses.

This ex-luggage handler who used to work at Changi Airport T2 experienced this firsthand.

An Unhappy Luggage Handler

65-year-old Tay Boon Keh was an ex-baggage handler at Changi Airport T2.

He was working under a subcontractor of Changi Airport Group, Lian Cheng Contracting and deployed to the Explosives Detection System (EDS).

The x-ray machine that he worked at broke down several times a day and he had to physically carry the bags to another machine to do his work.

Finding the work too tough, Tay approached his supervisor and requested for extra manpower to be placed at the x-ray machine.

Unfortunately, his request was denied.

So he decided to take an unconventional way.

He intentionally swapped luggage tags between SilkAir and SIA passengers, hoping that the frequent “mistakes” will bring attention to the x-ray machine breakdowns and manpower issues.

By the time he decided to stop his mischief, he had swapped 286 luggage tags and both airlines have to fork out over $42,000 in compensation.

A SATS ground officer lodged a police report and he was arrested for his crime.

Jailed 20 Days For His Actions

Tay pleaded guilty in court to 20 counts of mischief on his 65th birthday For each count of mischief, Tay can be jailed up to a year and slapped with a fine.

On 11 Nov 2019, it was reported that Tay was sentenced to a 20-day jail term for mischief.

While he is suffering from a major depressive disorder, the judge ruled that the condition has not contributed significantly to his crime.

In other words, his actions were his own.

She also took into account the fact that his “plan for vengeance” was carried out over 3 and a half months.

And that he stopped immediately after he was transferred to an easier position.

But here’s one takeaway: Always bring an overnight bag

So, if there’s one thing to be learnt from this, it’s that you must always have one set of clothes in a piece of carry-on luggage, together with toothpaste and toothbrush.

Because at least, if you’re really unlucky to have lost your luggage, you’re still able to tahan for a few days while waiting for your luggage to arrive.

That, or at least be presentable enough to go shopping. Because that’s all it matters, no?

And, of course, taking revenge might feel good in the short term but in the long run? It’s not worth it.

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