Airbnb In Yishun Offers Mahjong Lessons At $55 Per Person

Ever wondered why you have to attend school? Has it ever crossed your mind that you could learn everything at home by yourself or with the help of friends and family?

Well, the same can be said for Mahjong I guess. It’s something most of us probably learn while growing up and playing with friends.

But the only way to get real good at something and know the game’s mechanics inside out? Well, attend a mahjong ‘school’, of course.

Airbnb In Yishun Offers Mahjong Lessons At $55 Per Person

As the saying goes, don’t knock it till you try it.

You might think you’re a pro mahjong player who rakes in the moolah during family Mahjong sessions. But chances are, there’s still a thing or two you can learn to brush up your skillz.

Or maybe you’re just like me who has never spent a single second playing Mahjong (except for that one time I was staring in awe at a friend’s Hello Kitty Mahjong set) and wants to learn from scratch.

Either way, this Airbnb in Yishun or more specifically Khatib is offering you a once in a lifetime chance to attend mahjong classes, at a price.

The Lesson

Image: Airbnb

Have I piqued your interest yet? Well, these lessons are conducted in English and are two and a half hours long.

The best part? Food and drinks will also be provided!

Now you must be wondering, what about the strange Chinese symbols on the Mahjong tile? What if I can’t understand it? Is it because I’m (not) Chinese?

Image: Airbnb

Don’t worry, pictorial instruction sheets will be provided during the mahjong lessons too. All you’ll need to do is learn the rules of the game.

They also have an Instagram page called @mahjonglah which shares pictures from the mahjong lessons featuring people from all over the world.

Pretty cool stuff.

The damage? The lessons cost $55 per pax and $200 for a group of four people.

It’s quite pricey but the fact that they provide food and drinks during the session definitely cushions the blow.

So if you have any friends from abroad who are visiting Singapore, this lesson might be a good activity for them in Singapore!

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