Fast Food Customer Calls Out Staff After They Labelled Him ‘Ugly Sweater’ In Receipt

A fast-food restaurant’s many things.

For example, I’m sure you’ll agree when I say that more often than not, fast food is cheap, affordable and more often than not, really convenient.

Image: KFC Singapore

And yet, those are just a few of the more clear-cut things we know about a fast-food restaurant. There are a plethora of hidden facts we’ve yet to uncover, way more information we’ve yet to dig up…

Like the following account, which suggests that fast-food restaurants might have a real knack for roasts too.

Fast Food Customer Calls Out Staff After They Labelled Him “Ugly Sweater” In Receipt

There are many unpleasantries in life.

Getting labelled ‘ugly sweater’ has surely got to be one of them.

According to Mirror, a fast-food customer had gone to chicken chain Chic-Fil-A with his girlfriend when he had a rather nasty surprise inscribed on his order ticket:

According to Zin, the takeout ticket was used to identify customers and had been given to him by accident. Image: Jam Press

Well, that must’ve hurt pretty badly.

Unsurprisingly, the roasted customer felt compelled to make a statement, and he did so on the grandest ranting platform of them all:

Twitter, under the handle @Zin_Zaddy.

Apart from a rather alienating caption of ‘it was NOT MY PLEASURE TO EAT CHIC FIL A TODAY’, Zin’s flipped bird also sent a clear signal:

He was not pleased. Not pleased at all. And as such, he demanded justice.

Yes, free chicken sandwiches. Which might be kinda ironic considering how the man says that he’s not mad, but sad. Well, free chicken sandwiches would certainly

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