M’sian Woman Lost 40KG In 8 Months Even Though She Ate Six Meals A Day

Losing weight is hard.

You starve and force yourself to run an insane number of miles every day. Then a month passes and you decide its time to step onto that dreaded scale that has plagued chubby humans for decades.

And when you see that you’ve not only not lost any weight but gained a few kilograms, you look to the clouds for answers but only hear the rumbling of your empty stomach.

Don’t lose hope just yet, though, because one woman in Malaysia might have a solution for you.

M’sian Woman Lost 40KG In 8 Months Even Though She Ate Six Meals A Day

When Siti found out she weighed 95 kg, she decided to adopt a healthier lifestyle so she could lose weight.

And after just eight months, she managed to lose 40kg.

This is especially impressive considering she ate up to 6 meals a day.

Reader: Six meals?! But… but how?

No strict diets

Siti says that you don’t have to follow a strict diet because it’ll only stress you out more. She’s right here; crazy diets that require you to eat one slice of lemon for two weeks or a glass of juice every day for a year are simply not sustainable.

Image: Sizzle
Instead, Siti recommends controlling your calorie intake and portioning your meals by using smaller plates. Smaller plates work thanks to an optical illusion called the Delboeuf Illusion. Basically, we think things are smaller when we compare them to

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