7 Facts About Sugar You Believed Were True But Are Actually Wrong

Did someone say sugar?

Image: Giphy

Who doesn’t love sugar? It’s sweet and makes all our favourite sinful treats extra diabetes-inducing delicious, like cakes, pies, cookies, ice cream.

The list could go on forever, but let’s get straight to the point:

I’m not going to lie, I can’t count the number of times someone has told me that sugar is bad for me because of one reason or other.

But is sugar really the devil we paint it to be and are what we’ve been told all true?

5 Facts About Sugar You Believed Were True But Are Actually Wrong

Wonder no more, because I’m going to answer all your questions.

1. All Sugar Is Bad, Period

There’s a universal understanding of sugar. Sugar is bad because it makes us gain weight. Period. But is this really true and can sugar actually be good for you?

Well, it turns out that all those times we’ve been told that we should eat less sugar, it was in reference to “added sugar”.

There are two kinds of sugar, namely naturally occurring ones like in fruits (fructose) and added sugar that you’ll find in sugary drinks and desserts. Sugar in fruits isn’t ‘bad’ because the fibre in fruits help you to absorb sugar at a slower rate.

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