Dog Goes Blind In 1 Eye & Gets Severely Injured After Owner Beats It For Pooping & Peeing Indoors

It’s always difficult to potty train a new pet.

I can still remember how my Shih Tzu, who was just a little puppy then, would pee and poop at every corner of my house (and even eat his own poop after).

Image: Giphy

However, as hard as it is to potty train our pets, there is really no excuse for what this one cruel owner did. 

Sohu reported that on 22 October, a male owner was so angry at his Samoyed when it relieved itself on the floor that he beat his dog with a stick and fist until it was bloodied and bruised. 

Image: Sohu

As horrible as that sounds, the man was not done. 

He then proceeded to drag the poor doggo down the stairs by its hind legs and left the severely wounded dog by the roadside to bleed to death. 

Image: Sohu

By this time, the Samoyed was in a very bad condition and he was screaming for help. 

Image: Sohu

Thankfully, a neighbour called Tang heard the cries for help and she rushed out to see how she could help. 

When asked to take his dog to the vet, the heartless man refused and just walked away, abandoning his dog. 

At this point, Tang took over and quickly sought help to get the Samoyed to the nearest vet in the vicinity to get treated. 

Image: Sohu

At the vet, it was revealed that the dog had multiple internal injuries, had fractures on its brow bone and its right eyeball even had to be removed because it was damaged beyond recovery.

Poor doggo! 

Image: Giphy

The vet then operated on the dog and treated it as well as he could. 

The Samoyed is under observation but is currently in stable condition. The vet added that if there are no further complications, the dog will be just fine. 

The worst part would be that after the dog was out of the woods, the cruel owner wanted to bring his dog back home. 

Thankfully, Tang refused to let him take his dog home as she was worried this would happen again. 

Tang was heartbroken that this could even happen in the first place. 

The dog was very gentle and sweet, and even though it was injured, it still smiled and wagged its tail excitedly when it saw it’s saviour, Tang. 

Image: Sohu

We hope that the dog days are over for this Samoyed and that his evil owner will be dealt with by the law. 

Hopefully, there are more people like Tang in the world to care for all the adorable four-pawed friends and treat them the way they deserve to be treated!

Image: Giphy

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