IKEA S’pore ‘Secretly’ Donated 800 Mugs for Migrant Workers After Seeing Them Drinking Direct from Cartons

Even though we’ve already done a handful of articles on IKEA, it is the place that will always remain in my mind as the maze.

Image: Blazepress

The prize for maze running? Those sweet, sweet juicy Swedish meatballs.

Image: Metro

If you’re already hungry — just look at them — you can find IKEA’s publicly released meatballs recipe here.

After what happened secretly two days ago though, IKEA reminded me that they also sell other things.

IKEA Donated 800 Mugs To Migrant Worker Dorm

…and we wouldn’t have known anything about it until the recipients told us about it.

ItsRainingRaincoats, an initiative to help migrant workers in Singapore, told us about what happened on their Facebook page.

One of their donors sent milk to the migrant workers last week, but their volunteers noticed a problem:

The workers were all drinking straight from the cartons.

Image: Facebook (ItsRainingRaincoats)

They’re not doing this for style points or out of laziness. They had no mugs.

So ItsRainingRaincoats contacted some of their donors, and somehow through being “super enterprising”, IKEA just went ahead and tossed in 800 mugs.

Image: Facebook (ItsRainingRaincoats)
Image: Facebook (ItsRainingRaincoats)

And just because why the heck not, they also threw in some snacks from a food outlet which had to close during the CB period.

Image: Facebook (ItsRainingRaincoats)
Image: Facebook (ItsRainingRaincoats)

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Now, you may be thinking here’s when the IKEA PR sweeps in and put out some kind of announcement to let the whole world know they did their part during the crisis.

Nope. Not a word on their Facebook page.

According to my colleagues, none of them has received any press release from their PR firm (which often sends press releases about IKEA to us) about this as of yesterday evening.

Reader: But now you’re doing the PR work for them without them doing anything.

Damn. You’re right. That is some 4D chess move on their part.

Want To Help The Workers?

Back to the workers, you might have noticed that they don’t even have mugs.

I have a computer at home and I’m bored. I can only imagine that the migrant workers who are staying in smaller rooms and without entertainment to be even more bored.

Image: Facebook (Itsrainingcoats)

So if you have any books, magazines, old mobile phones or games that you want to donate, you can do so by WhatsApping the numbers:

  • Michelle 9689 1535
  • Jocelyn 9060 7067
  • Rajen 8168 8588

To all the volunteers and donors out there working hard: you deserve all the credit you get.

Image: Giphy

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