People Noticed a ‘Puncture’ in Kim Jong-Un’s Latest Images & Experts Give Their Take on It

When Kim Jong-un reemerged after a long absence, people wondered why he chose to make his comeback at the opening of a fertiliser plant, of all things.

Then again, a fertiliser plant is a perfect metaphor for a country that is so adept at manufacturing bullshit.

His three weeks away from the public eye fuelled speculation that he had undergone heart surgery, with some news outlets saying he was in “grave danger”.

But then, just like Batman in the Dark Knight Rises, Kim seemingly rose from the dead, looking happier and “healthier” than ever.

Image: AFP via

It seemed like all those reports of surgery and ill-health were untrue, after all.

Or was it?

Image: Giphy

People Noticed a ‘Puncture’ in Kim Jong-Un’s Latest Images & Experts Give Their Take on It

Most of us who viewed images of the North Korean dictator strolling gleefully around the fertiliser factory would probably think that he had no health issues at all.

Image: KCNA via AP
Image: AP via

But some eagle-eyed humans, and I mean really eagle-eyed, noticed a small mark on his right wrist.

Image: Supplied via

Now, you, I, and the average homo sapien would probably think it was a stain from a chocolate bar he ate earlier or some tiny cut.

But some medical experts who have scrutinized the photo with an attention to detail that Sherlock Holmes would have been proud of believe that the mark is actually a puncture wound indicative of a medical procedure.

Image: Giphy

According to NK News, medical experts have assessed the clip and believe the puncture wound is related to a “cardiovascular procedure”.

“It looks like a right radial artery puncture … often used for access to the coronary arteries for stent placement,” an American-trained medical professional told NK News, adding it appeared to be “about a week old.”

Now, we obviously have to take their word for it, because unless you’re a medical professional you probably don’t know what the heck a “stent placement” is.

Fret not, I shall tell you all about it.


Image: Medline Plus

Oh ok…

Image: Giphy

Basically, a stent placement usually occurs during or after an angioplasty, which is the surgical repair or unblocking of a blood vessel, especially a coronary artery.

A “stent” a wire mesh stainless steel tube that holds an artery open and keeps it from closing again. It becomes a permanent part of your artery, according to John Hopkins Medicine.

Reader: I feel like I can become a doctor now

Would you have noticed that puncture wound, though?

Reader: I thought it was a chocolate chip

Then you can’t be a doctor.

The medical professional went on to say that the wound is not from IV (intravenous therapy) because it “wouldn’t leave such a mark.”

This theory was corroborated by a South Korean surgeon, who told NK news that the mark on Kim’s arm “looks more plausible to be a procedure or check-up mark from a procedure on a heart-related issue.”

According to an Australian news outlet, Kim was also seen riding an electric cart around the factory – a vehicle he also needed while visiting the site in January.

In fact, the supreme leader used a similar cart in 2014 when he reemerged using a walking stick after vanishing for 40 days following reported ankle or leg surgery.

So, maybe those reports of heart surgery were true after all. But until the North Koreans come out and admit it, we can never be completely sure.


For now, all we can do is speculate, and wait for bored medical professionals to look for more marks on Kim Jung-Un’s body.

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