18 Patients Who Still Tested Positive for COVID-19 Discharged from D’Resort As They’re ‘No Longer Infective’

Yes, you’ve read the headline correct:18 Covid-19 positive patients have been discharged after they were deemed to be no longer infective to others.

The following patients were discharged from a community care facility at D’Resort.

But why, you ask.

Determined to be No Longer Infective

Ministry of Heath (MOH) has confirmed that these 18 patients are “clinically very well” and have been kept at the community care facility for a “prolonged period”.

Image: D’resort

The patients, aged between 38 to 51, have persistently tested positive for the Covid-19 virus.

A statement from MOH says that it has determined that these patients have been shedding dead viral components despite detectable through a PCR test, it is no longer transmissible.

“After careful consideration, the Ministry of Health decided that these individuals can be cleared for discharge,” said the MOH.

Image: Giphy

Discharged Patients Required to Quarantine for Seven Days 

The ministry has required the patients to stay in their homes to be quarantined for an additional seven days.

Image: Giphy

“Infectious diseases experts have advised the Ministry of Health that patients are unlikely to be infectious beyond 14 days from their onset of illness, as the virus can no longer be cultured from biological samples taken from these patients, even if they continue to test PCR positive,” said MOH.

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Despite this, the ministry said that they will continue to observe a cautious approach with handling Covid-19 cases as such. The MOH will also be continuing to consult local and international experts.

“Meanwhile, we will review the status of Covid-19 patients with prolonged stays at our community care facilities and consider if they need to remain in isolation, on a case-to-case basis,” said MOH.

Now, that’s a piece of good news. It comes to show that we are making progress in our battle against a global pandemic.

It seems like it was only about time that the efforts started peeking through the many milestones we have clinched since the virus has started.

Image: Giphy

As much as I would love to wake up to a Cyberpunk 2077 reality, I would also love to be able to purchase my bubble tea as per normal.

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