Everything About PM Lee’s National Day Message Summarised & Simplified for You

As you know, the Prime Minister delivers his National Day Message every year on 9 August, and for some unknown reason, his shirt seems to get lighter every year:


Image: PMO


Image: PMO


Image: YouTube

But as PM Lee’s shirt gets lighter, our troubles get heavier.

2020 has been a tough year for many, with the coronavirus claiming lives and killing businesses.

The economy has also taken a battering, and it’ll take quite a while to recover.

This was the main focus of the Prime Minister’s National Day Message for 2020. He urged the nation to stay united and resilient as the government attempts to carry the country safely through the storm of the pandemic.

Here’s what he had to say.

Parade is a Symbol of Our Unity

Unfortunately, since Covid-19 loves large gatherings, residents won’t be able to celebrate the nation’s 55th birthday at the Padang.

But it’s not all bad, as some popular acts will be making an appearance in the heartlands this year.

Though we can’t celebrate in our usual way, PM Lee said, the authorities have decided to hold it as a “symbol of our unity as a nation”.

“We will all share special moments like when the Red Lions land, the mobile column reaches our town, or the State Flag is flown past. We will all recite the Pledge and sing Majulah Singapura in our hearts together.”

Saluting Our Frontliners & Essential Workers

In addition, the NDP also affords us an opportunity to salute those on our frontline, fighting Covid-19, the Prime Minister said.

PM Lee said many residents have stepped up to help each other during this crisis, whether it was retired doctors and nurses who volunteered to come back, or residents who went door-to-door distributing meals and groceries to the elderly and low-income households.

“Migrant workers too played their part to support these operations. Their help was deeply appreciated by our SAF (Singapore Armed Forces), Home Team and public officers.”

“Many of them have gone way beyond the call of duty, and shown great generosity of spirit.”

These selfless acts have made all the difference to our response to Covid-19, PM Lee said.

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