NCID Worker Who Tested Positive For Covid-19 Did Not Go To Work After Showing Symptoms

I think it’s pretty obvious at this point in time that you shouldn’t go to work or school if you get sick.

Covid-19 cases have been on the rise and are showing little signs of stopping, especially with 35 new cases (26 local) on 30 March.


It’s during times like these that we should learn to not be paiseh and seek medical attention if any symptoms show.

It’s always good to be socially responsible.

Warded Where He Worked

Just like this one case we’ll talk about today.

A 20-year-old Malaysian was tested positive for Covid-19 yesterday.

According to the Ministry of Health, he was in Malaysia from 16 to 17 March the day before his country went on lockdown.

The Singapore Work pass-holder works as a Porter at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID).

Image: mustsharenews

The man was subsequently quarantined in the very place he worked, making him case 853 in Singapore.

It’s always upsetting to hear of new cases and if you look beyond the surface, this case is more than meets the eye.

He Did Not Go To Work The Moment He Had The Symptoms

The 20-year-old man reported having symptoms on 28 Mar 2020.

Immediately after experiencing the symptoms, Case 853 did not go back to work.

It wasn’t revealed whether the Malaysian was infected at work or is linked to other clusters.

But given how they’re taking care of Covid-19 patients, the chances of it the man getting infected while at work is not out of the question.

Working in the medical field or within the industry always makes one susceptible to such viruses and you can only be so careful sometimes.

Image: The Star Online

And what’s worst, with the Malaysia lockdown still in effect, this man is effectively alone in Singapore.

Imagine being stuck in a foreign country without your friends or family by your side. Not even being able to have a level of emotional support through such trying times is really the worst.

Thankfully, his colleagues are still there.

Moral Of The Story: Be Socially Responsible

Like what I’ve said, every Singaporean has to be socially responsible, especially after Hong Kong researchers seemingly found that Covid-19 is extremely contagious in the first week of infection.

Recently, Singapore has two examples on the extreme ends of social responsibility:

One, Case 853 who knew that no matter how mild his symptoms were, he has to isolate himself just in case.

While the other is a principal at Fengshan Blk 126 PCF Sparkletots. She experienced mild symptoms but went on to attend a course with employees.

With her actions, she caused all PCF Sparkletots outlets across Singapore to close for four days and even implicate another school in the area.

Our thoughts go out to all those infected that they may recover as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, all we can do is try to act responsibly to make sure that neither we nor our loved ones have to suffer through this.

Image: Info Arenas

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