Daughter of 70-Year-Old Who Died Today Due to COVID-19 Complications Spoke Out

Earlier today, we got to know the passing of a third COVID-19 patient in Singapore: a 70-year-old Singaporean who had a history of hypertension (high blood pressure) and hyperlipidaemia (high cholesterol).

And now, his daughter, who has been outspoken earlier this month to seek for convalescent plasma donation from recovered COVID-19 patients as that could potentially be a therapy for his father, had spoken out.

And despite this gloomy period for her, she went on to thank the medical team that has been looking after her dad, and took the opportunity to remind us to be socially responsible.

Here’s what she’s written:

Dear fellow Singaporeans,

We thank you for your well wishes. It is unfortunate that my dad has succumbed to Covid19, after his 30 days of battle in SGH. Our 70 year old dad had put on a good and ferocious fight, in his combat against this deadly virus. Daddy Chung has led a good life. He is always our benevolent father, who has always loved and protected his family with his very best. In spirit, he will always be connected to us, in this generation and the next.

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to those Fellow Singaporeans, including PM Lee Hsien Loong who extended your condolences to the Chung family. We also wish to thank the medical team in SGH for tirelessly looking after my dad.

May I also take this opportunity to remind all Singaporeans to be socially responsible. Our dad did not travel to affected countries or clusters. How he was infected, is still a mystery to my family. Let us remember Daddy Chung by being socially responsible. Another loss due to socially irresponsible behaviour can be avoided! Let us do our part!

Stay safe. Stay united.

In addition, in a Facebook post that originally spoke about a meeting with his grassroots leaders, PM Lee also sent his sympathies to the deceased’s family, and urged us once again to be socially responsible by keeping a safe distance but still stay in contact with family members and friends through phone calls.

The source of infection for the third patient is still unknown as of now, and he had been in ICU for 27 days before succumbing to the infection.

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