Netflix Star Najib Suddenly Asks Which Online Platform is Better: Lazada or Shopee?

Boredom can make you do really weird things.

One experiment that placed subjects in an empty room with only a random button and no other distractions proved this.

The button gave subjects an electric shock every time it was pressed. Obviously, no one would willingly do that to themselves, right?

Well, in one test, nearly half the subjects gave themselves mild electric shocks during 15 minutes of quiet time.

Why? Because the human brain cannot stand boredom.

And now, with the Covid-19 pandemic, boredom is being forced upon us as nearly the whole world is confined to their homes.

And some people handle this boredom in strange ways, like asking incredibly random questions on social media.

Najib Asks Which Online Platform is Better: Lazada or Shopee

As you know, Malaysia recently extended its lockdown to 14 Apr 2020 because the number of Covid-19 cases in the country has continued to rise.

Which means everyone is stuck at home, including a former Prime Minister of the country.

And just like everyone else, Najib was bored AF, so he asked a highly controversial question, asking audiences to decide between two beloved things.

Reader: Ronaldo vs Messi?


Reader: Apple vs Android?

Nope. (And android is better, by the way).

Instead, he asked this:

Yes, he randomly asked which of the two online shopping platforms is better: Lazada or Shopee.

Now, there was no explanation for this question, nor a follow-up post. So, all we can ask at this point is why?

Image: Giphy

In normal circumstances, netizens would probably respond with comments like who the hell cares?

But because Malaysians were as bored as Najib, they enthusiastically took part in the most boring poll of recent times.

Netizen reaction

Image: Facebook (Najib Razak)
Image: Najib Razak
Image: Facebook (Najib Razak)

Damn, people are taking this really seriously.

The saddest thing is that even though Shoppee won by a landslide after over 117,000 people voted, we still don’t know what Najib prefers.

And in his post, the translated caption says “If online, where to buy it?”, so we don’t even know what he wanted to buy in the first place.

We really don’t know anything about this mysterious post, to be honest, but then again he’s shared some other random things on Facebook.

Random photos

One post had a picture showing him using his phone at home with the caption “QUIET AT HOME IS GOOD”.


In another post, he urged Malaysians to stay at home during the Movement Control Order (MCO), but posted a picture of a cat for some reason.

And he also posted a picture of him eating Super Rings in another.

Is this product placement? Is this a tie-in with the Lazada-Shoppee poll because he’s doing an ad for the delicious cheese snack?


No one knows.

One thing’s for sure though; the boredom is getting to everyone in Malaysia.

Maybe he can watch Netflix. There’s a show that’s starring him now.

It’s not often that you’d see yourself in Netflix.

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