16-Year-Old French Teen Who Died To Covid-19 Only Had A ‘Slight Cough’ A Week Before

When you’re young, you believe yourself invincible against viruses like the Covid-19.

But is that really true?

After reading this article, you might just change your mind.

16-Year-Old Girl Dies From Covid-19 A Week After A ‘Slight Cough’

According to The Straits Times, 16-year-old Julie from France had a “slight cough”. And a week later, she became the youngest patient in France to die to Covid-19.

Her mother told reporters that when she had the cough, they thought it was something normal.

Which is why they gave her cough syrup and steam inhalation treatments.

After all, getting a cough is something normal in winter.

It was only after her condition worsened, and her cough became coughing fits, that she was brought to the doctor.

She was immediately brought to the nearest hospital and tested positive for Covid-19.

Her mother recalled that Julie was sent to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and she kept complaining that her heart hurts.

Hospital workers initially told her that Julie tested negative for Covid-19.

“The door to her room opens, the nurses come in without wearing protective gowns, and the doctor gives me a thumbs-up sign telling me that everything is fine.”

A few hours later, they said there was a mistake and she tested positive for the coronavirus.

And then she passed away on 25 Mar 2020.

“We Believed That The Virus Doesn’t Affect Young People”

Julie’s older sister was shocked at what happened to her.

She said that just like many of us, they were told the coronavirus would not affect young people, and they believed them.

“From the beginning, they told us this virus doesn’t affect young people. We believed it, just like everyone else.”

The family were unable to have an open-casket funeral and only ten people were allowed to attend her wake.

See A Doctor If You Are Not Feeling Well

During the pre-Covid-19 days, if you had a slight cough or flu, you’ll pop two panadol and go to work as usual.

During this period, please don’t do that because there are many people who “thought it was a slight flu” and transmitted the Covid-19 virus to many people.

One is Patient Zero, the woman thought to have started the entire pandemic.

And the latest one is the principal of PCF Sparkletots at Fengshan Blk 126 who disregarded the symptoms and went for a course with other employees anyway:

And before you say, it’s a waste of money, the government has subsidised consultation and treatment fees for respiratory problems.

Normal Singaporeans and residents only need to pay $10 at PHPC GP clinics while seniors (aged 55 and above) only need to pay $5.

Just remember hor, if you’re given a 5-day mc, you must stay at home, or you might be fined or jailed if you’re caught.

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