IKEA Having Cute Little Sharks With Red Bean Filling Until 31 Dec 2021

What the Blahaj? 

Just over a month ago, the world was panicking after finding out that IKEA was going to discontinue its cutest plush toy – the Blahaj.

Swedish for “blue shark”, the adorable toy is sold exclusively at IKEA.

Netizens all over the world fell to their knees after hearing the announcement, incredulous that they won’t be able to share amusing photos of the Blahaj doing very un-Blahaj things.

IKEA seems to have heard us out, because they might just be bringing back the Blahaj, though in an entirely different form.

IKEA Having Cute Little Shark With Red Bean Filling Until 31 Dec 2021

Everyone knows that shoppers at IKEA are only there for the meatballs and cheap hotdogs. We say we need furniture because it’s more socially acceptable.

But one underrated part of the IKEA menu is their desserts. And if you head to their website, you’ll notice a new, sweet addition.

Image: Ikea

Wait… is that a Blahaj?

While IKEA has called it a “little shark bun”, there’s no denying its resemblance to the now-infamous Blahaj. For one, both are sharks. Secondly, both are blue.

Okay, so that’s it, but what more do you need?

A new addition to its already lengthy menu, the little shark bun has a red bean filling, which is sure to please our tongues.

The shark bun is one of three new additions to IKEA’s menu, with the other two being the “Duck confit with mashed potato” and the “Biryani with chicken drumstick”.

According to their menu, all three items are only available until 31 Dec this year. So, if you want to purchase a little shark bun and place it next to your Blahaj so it looks like it has just given birth, you should head to the furniture store soon.

Blahaj Still Available in Singapore

The good news is that the Blahaj is still available in Singapore. Speaking to AsiaOneIKEA Singapore confirmed last month that the plushie is still in their range and won’t be discontinued as of yet.

Indeed, if you head to IKEA Singapore’s website, you’ll still be able to buy a couple of Blahajas for the house.

Image: IKEA

IKEA did confirm, however, that the Blahaj will be discontinued in their UK and Irish stores. People around the globe are now panic buying the Blahaj, and some even started a petition to save it from “extinction”.

Image: Change.org

Reader: We’re talking about a stuffed shark, right?

Yes, I don’t get it either.

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Featured Image: Twitter (@IKEAsame) & IKEA

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