Worker’s Party Responded to Yaw Shin Leong’s Bombshell Allegations & It’s Another ‘He Said, She Said’ Incident

For those of you who don’t know, the WP Saga has a sequel.

The first instalment starred former Worker’s Party (WP) member and MP Raeesah Khan, detailing her lie in parliament and her reaction to it.

The sequel is centred around the sacking of a former WP MP – Yaw Shin Leong – back in 2012. He was expelled from the party soon after allegations of an extramarital affair emerged.

Recently, nine years after the incident, Mr Yaw took to Facebook to dispute WP’s account of the events that led to his sacking, alleging that he was told to stay “silent” by former party chief Low Thia Khiang and chair Sylvia Lim.

Well, it’s now WP’s turn to respond, and they’ve straight-up contradicted Yaw’s statement.

Worker’s Party Responded to Yaw Shin Leong’s Bombshell Allegations

WP leaders did not advise Mr Yaw to stay silent on the allegations levelled at him in 2012, the party said in a Facebook post.

“Mr Low and Ms Lim categorically state that they did not advise Mr Yaw to stay silent. In fact, he was summoned to appear before the Workers’ Party CEC to account for the matter, but chose not to do so,” the post said.

The post, which was addressed by media chair Leon Perera, was shared on the platform today (7 Dec).

It has garnered 1,200 likes and 147 shares.

What Happened

Just like the Khan incident, this is a classic case of he said, she said.

The 2012 sacking was dredged up by a reporter who had asked the party during their 2 Dec press conference why Ms Khan was treated differently from Mr Yaw.

After all, Ms Khan was allowed to remain in the party for months after she lied, while Mr Yaw was sacked shortly after the allegations surfaced.

In response to the question, secretary-general Pritam Singh said:

“Yaw Shin Leong did not account himself to the party after the allegations were made. I think he did not address the media, did not address the party. The party was willing to give him some space to get himself organized, but this just went on and it went on, to a point where it was unreasonable conduct and this was not acceptable. And so, the party took the decision to fire him, to sack him.”

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So the party says that Mr Yaw basically ghosted everyone, while the former WP MP claims that he was asked to keep schtum about the matter.

While Mr Yaw did respond, saying that he was “not okay” with what Mr Singh said, we may never get the whole truth, as he added he won’t be “entertaining any media queries and will leave the above (his statement) as it is.”

You can read his entire statement below. Mr Yaw goes by the moniker “Amos Rao” on Facebook.

As for the Khan Saga, WP said it will respond at a more appropriate time, as the Committee of Privileges is still investigating Khan’s claims.

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