S’pore Detected 3 More Omicron Cases & 2 of Them Have Dined at Orchard Road 4 Times

In an ideal world, all those infected with the coronavirus would not visit any crowded places and stay at home for the most part while infected.

But just like Singaporeans, the coronavirus loves travelling, shopping at malls, and dining outside.

And the Omicron variant is no different.

So if restrictions are eased and we’re allowed to engage in these popular activities, you can bet your flight tickets to Malaysia that the coronavirus will take full advantage of it.

S’pore Detected 3 More Omicron Cases & 2 of Them Have Dined at Orchard Road 4 Times

Another three COVID-19 cases have tested preliminarily positive for the Omicron variant.

The National Public Health Laboratory is conducting whole genome sequencing for all three cases to confirm the variant, said the Ministry of Health (MOH).

Contact tracing is ongoing, and all close contacts will be placed on a 10-day quarantine at designated facilities, where they will also undergo testing.

So, who are these three new Omicron cases?

Couple Who Arrived From US Through VTL Flight

The first case is a 36-year-old man who arrived in Singapore from the US via the Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL).

He took a pre-departure test in the US on 6 Dec and an on-arrival test here on 8 Dec, and both came back negative.

But just two days later, he tested positive for COVID-19 in his supervised antigen rapid test (ART). A PCR test the next day confirmed the infection.

The second case is the man’s wife, 34, who was placed on quarantine on Tuesday (14 Dec) after being identified as a close contact of her husband. She tested positive that same day.

54YO Airport Employee

The third case is a 54-year-old loading cabin assistant at Changi Airport Terminal 3.

He had taken a PCR test on 14 Dec as part of rostered routine testing, and it came back positive.

The good news is that he has had no contact with flight passengers.

Couple Dined at 4 Restaurants; Visitors Advised to Monitor Health

Over the two days they were in the community, the couple from the US had dined at four restaurants on 8 Dec—Mizuki at Ngee Ann City, Li Bai Cantonese Restaurant at Sheraton Towers Singapore, and Merci Marcel at Palais Renaissance—as well as Signs A Taste Of Vietnam Pho at Orchard Gateway the next day.

The health ministry has advised all visitors to the affected premises to monitor their health closely, and minimise social interactions as far as possible, for 14 days from their date of visit or interaction.

“They are encouraged to see a doctor immediately if they feel unwell,” MOH added.

Staff and visitors who were at these locations around the same time will be issued health risk warnings.

The health ministry will also contact them for a PCR test.

At the moment, there are 16 confirmed Omicron cases in Singapore, 14 of whom are imported. The two local cases are airport passenger service staff.

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Featured Image: Simon Poon / Shutterstock.com

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