Man Wore Thong as Face Mask to Prove a Point But Was Kicked Out from Plane Instead

For some people, the instruction “wear a mask” is pretty straightforward.

You buy a mask, take it out of the box, and put it over your face. Simple. 

But for others, this instruction not only seems less clear but downright offensive, as if you had asked them to slaughter a litter of puppies to curb the spread of COVID-19.

With mask-wearing mandates in place in most public establishments around the globe, this leaves the anti-maskers two options:

  1. Stay at home for the rest of time
  2. Wear a thong over your face

Okay, option 2 wasn’t a legitimate option, but one guy took it anyway.

Man Wore Thong as Face Mask to Prove a Point But Was Kicked Out from Plane Instead

A video of a man wearing a thong on an airplane is making the rounds on social media.

Presumably taken by another passenger, the video was shared on Twitter yesterday (16 Dec).

The start of the video shows a typical scene in an airplane these days before takeoff—masked passengers and flight crew walking around.

Except one of the passenger’s masks was a little sexier than the others. A little too sexy.

Image: Twitter (@Channing_TV)

When questioned about his odd choice of face mask, the man asked if the regular surgical masks have “some sort of certification that’s different from this?” (By this, he means the thong, of course.)

Another flight attendant had to explain to the man that a thong is not on the list of acceptable face coverings for flights, something he probably thought he’d never have to do.

Sometime later, a man in a black shirt approaches the man and tells him that he will not be able to remain on board for the flight because of his unnecessarily sexy choice of face mask.

“Why?” the man asks.

“Non-mask compliance,” the attendant replies. 

“So I can’t fly because this (pointing to his mask) doesn’t work?” he asks.


The man then leaves the airplane and another passenger, angered by what he’s seen, asks the flight attendant if the man was kicked off because he refused to wear a face mask.

When the flight attendant says that she’s unsure, the man says “Forget it, I’m outta here”, and leaves the airplane.

I’m sure you both were sorely missed.

An Anti-mask Demonstration 

The passenger with the sexy face mask was later identified as 36-year-old Adam Jenne. He was reportedly kicked off a United Airlines flight in Florida.

Speaking to local media, he explained that his little stunt was to demonstrate the absurdity of the mask-wearing mandate, given that passengers take them off when consuming food and drinks.

Jenne said he had worn a thong as a face mask on a flight before, telling the flight crew that it was indeed a mask that was “doing its job”.

If that job was to “make you look like a f***ing weirdo* then yes, it certainly did its job.

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Featured Image: Twitter (@Channing_TV)

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