Teen Apologises After Posting TikTok Video That Said S’porean Girls Don’t Look Presentable

In the past few weeks, there have been more and more calls for some TikTok commandments to be put in place to stem the flood of idiocy and inanity that have been pouring into the platform.

Netizens have come up with two so far:

  1. Thou shall think before thou posteth unto thy TikTok
  2. Thou shall not breaketh the law in the name of gaining popularity on TikTok

Commandment number two may be easier to implement, but it’s going to take some time before TikTokers stop doing and saying dumb things on the platform.

This time, the ill-advised statement had to do with people’s appearance.

TikToker Slammed For Saying S’porean Girls Don’t Look Presentable

It’s hard to know what exactly when through the mind of TikToker David Rosal when he said Singaporean girls aren’t “taking care” of their appearances, but he certainly didn’t get the reaction he was looking for.

The Singaporean teen had spent some time abroad in the US, and, presumably, after some research, concluded that American girls “know how to groom themselves better and make themselves look more presentable”, unlike Singaporean girls who wear “the same s***”.

He asked Singaporean girls to “step their game up”, saying: “Y’all look like y’all just died and came back from the dead.

He ended with an eloquent evaluation of their appearance: “Y’all look like f***ing a**.”

He shared his findings with his followers in a TikTok post last Saturday (18 Dec), and the post soon went viral, getting nearly 355,000 views.

Shockingly, girls didn’t respond positively with comments like: “Wow, you’re right, aren’t you? I’ll definitely try harder with my dressing so you’re impressed.”

Instead, they said:

  • “Am I supposed to dress up to go to Giant now?”
  • “Got washing machine obvly la I wear the same thing la”
  • “Even the cai fan aunty don’t call you shuai ge”

Perhaps the most stinging response came from TikToker user @barbersnotsalon, who said:

“If you’re overseas and think that the people there are better looking than where you come from, that’s perfectly fine to think. What you’re not allowed to do is… to talk down on and belittle the girls that come from your country just because they don’t suit your standard. Everybody looks good in different ways.

“If we want to wear the same shirt eight days in a row, we’re going to going to wear the same shirt eight days in a row because at the end of the day, none of us are doing it for you, we don’t care what you think”.


#stitch with @David Rosal

♬ original sound – Tik Toker – Tik Toker

And there you have it.

TikToker Deletes Post, Apologises

Yesterday (21 Dec), Rosal deleted his incendiary post and apologised for “making a sweeping statement” about Singaporean girls.

“What I said was a fallacious statement, obviously there are pretty girls out there. I’m sorry for generalising and boxing y’all up into that one adjective”.

Singaporean Girl: Thank you for your validation. That’s definitely what the criticism was all about.

Rosal also said sorry for unintentionally discriminating against people who did not “have the financial capability to stack their wardrobe.”

Wait, what?

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Featured Image: TikTok

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