$1,262,000 Have Been Paid Out to People Who Suffered Serious Side Effects from the COVID-19 Vaccine

Although much laboratory tests have been conducted on pre-existing vaccines to ensure the least side-effects, it’s undeniable that there will always be exceptions since each human body is a complex biological system that reacts differently to the intrusive medical substance.

Thankfully, the Singapore government have made considerations for these exceptions by establishing the Vaccine Injury Financial Assistance Programme (VIFAP) under the National Vaccination Programme (NVP).

As of 31 December 2021, 296 patients qualify for this financial aid due to the serious side effects the COVID-19 vaccinations have caused them.

The extant number is an increase from the 144 patients from last August.

Hence, a total sum of $1,262,000 has been paid out, or is in the process of being paid.

Vaccine Injury Financial Assistance Programme

Quintessentially, and according to Ministry of Health’s (MOH), VIFAP is a one-time goodwill financial assistance provided to people who have suffered from severe side-effects due to the vaccine, with the single pay-out being dependent on the severity of the case.

Health Minister Ong Ye Kung states that each case after application will be assessed by the clinical panel on two criteria: whether the patient’s condition is actually related to the COVID-19 vaccination, and how severe it is.

The three tiers and their pay-outs are:

  • Tier 1: Results in death or permanent severe disability: $225,000
  • Tier 2: Requires admission to High Dependency or Intensive Care, with subsequent recovery: $10,000
  • Tier 3: Requires inpatient hospitalisation and medical intervention, with subsequent recovery: $2,000

The MOH Website also states that VIFAP only applies to “Singaporean citizens, permanent residents or long-term pass holders who have been recommended to receive the COVID-19 vaccine under the NVP.”

Should an applicant be rejected, they can apply for a reassessment if there is new medical information supporting their case.

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Should there be milder side-effects, the persons in question can either use their MediShieldLife, applicable healthcare financial schemes, and subsidies provided at the public health institutions to help fund or alleviate the costs of their recovery.

For private health insurance claims, individuals will have to check with their insurance providers to see if they are covered by any clauses.

Fortunately, only two people have qualified for Tier 1 thus far.

During trying times like a worldwide pandemic, it’s honestly a relief that we have a reliable healthcare system in place, with an additional safety net, separate from existing healthcare schemes, to ensure that almost no one is neglected.

For more information about COVID vaccinations and its side-effects, watch this video:

YouTube video

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Featured Image: Medical-R/ shutterstock.com

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