A Boy Has Allegedly Been Going Around Asking for Piggyback, Claiming to be Injured When He Isn’t

If you’ve gone around Singapore at night in absolute darkness, you’ve probably never felt a sense of danger or fright, just like most other Singaporeans.

But sometimes, incidents that make us rethink the way we treat our safety at night happen. Like this one.

On 5 May, TikTok user @xuanlai uploaded the following TikTok video to her account:

No, this wasn’t part of some crazy plot she conjured while in her sleep.

Boy Asked for Piggyback

In her video, the TikTok user recounted how she was walking home and had her earpieces in for an online meeting when a boy appeared from “behind a pillar” and approached her.

The boy apparently asked if he could climb onto her back, asking for a piggyback ride.

When she asked him why he needed a piggyback, he said that his thigh was injured.

However, @xuanlai noticed that the boy had no visible injuries at all, and that he was walking normally. Coupled with the fact that her hands were full and that she was wearing a dress that was unsuitable for piggybacking, she rejected the boy’s request.

She then offered other suggestions such as princess carrying him or assisting him while walking to the block with him, but the boy ended up walking away like a normal person without any injury at all after realising that she would not budge.

She also said that the young boy was very skinny and scrawny, and looked to be about 11 years of age.

@xuanlai also wrote in the caption of the video, “Yes I already filed a police report bc this is not an isolated incident. Please let me know if any of you has experienced the same thing”, informing the public that she has already lodged a police report.

Not the First Time this Has Happened

At the end of her video, @xuanlai also mentioned that a friend of her sister’s, who lives in the block next to hers, experienced the same thing as well. Apparently, the young boy who approached both of them was the same boy.

As for her friend’s sister’s experience, she said that there was a grown man using his phone nearby as well, and both the man and child “disappeared” at the same time after she refused to piggyback the boy.

Several TikTok users also spoke up about their similar experiences that were likely with the same boy as well.

Others expressed their shock regarding the issue, and some also offered their own speculations about the motives behind the boy’s actions.

According to the video and the comments section, these incidents have happened in Tampines, Boon Lay, and Lakeside.

Featured Image: TikTok (@xuanlai)

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