In case you’ve missed it, Singapore has, once again, tightened its border restrictions yesterday.
Over 80% of new Covid-19 cases in Singapore over the past three days were import cases. I.e. People who travelled into Singapore, bringing Covid-19 along with them.
Which is bad, like really meowlly bad.

And so the government decided to stop all short-term visits (read: travellers on holidays) to Singapore, regardless if they’re looking to enter or merely wants to pass through.
Like my handsome colleague, GY, said, Singapore has officially closed off its borders.
This new measure won’t affect returning Singaporeans, Singapore PRs or long-term visit pass holders (e.g. Student’s Pass, Dependant’s Pass, and Long-term Visit Pass) and certain returning work pass holders.
But that doesn’t mean you can travel back anyhowly without knowing anything.
Here’s A Step-By-Step Guide For S’poreans Returning Home From Overseas
Before travelling back, here are a couple of things you have to do:
- Check the latest travel restrictions and border control measures so that you won’t have any nasty surprises when you try to cross the checkpoints into Singapore.
- Make arrangements to fly back as fast as possible; which makes sense because if you can’t tell by now, airlines are suspending services and things change rapidly every. Single. Day.
- Make arrangements for your 14-day Stay-Home-Notice because all Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents, Long Term Pass holders returning to Singapore will be issued with a 14-day SHN.
P/S: For those who don’t have accommodations, here’s a list of hotels offering special rates for people who need a place for SHN.
When Serving Your 14-Day SHN
Remember that you’re not allowed to leave your house for any reason whatsoever. Yes, not even if you run out of toilet paper or need food urgently.

Instead, use delivery apps to survive.
What If Symptoms Developed?
For emergency cases like cardiac arrests or breathlessness, you can call 995.
For non-emergency cases, Singapore citizens, PRs and long-term visit pass holders can contact the People’s Association (PA) via their hotline (+65 6344 8222).
The People’s Association will assist and deliver you to the nearest Public Health Preparedness Clinic (PHPC) or GP clinic.
Be Socially Responsible
As per what PM Lee says, we might be doing really well at the moment but Covid-19 is going to be here for “quite some time”.
While government measures can be put into place to help protect Singaporeans, none of the measures will work if the people are not socially responsible.
Just take a look at the lady who caused an entire hospital to shut down in Malaysia.
So take good care of your personal hygiene when with family, like washing your hands with soap frequently and dabbing whenever you need to cough or sneeze.
Other tips include cleaning your place regularly, not sharing utensils with other people in your residence and maintaining good ventilation in your residence.
You can view the guidelines in the form of an infographic here:

What’s This About Certain Pass Holders:
Okay, so above, we mentioned that only certain work pass holders are allowed back into Singapore.
According to MOH, work pass holders (like your “friend”) and their dependents will be allowed to return to Singapore only if they work in sectors that provide essential services such as healthcare and transport.
As for the rest, they won’t be allowed back.
Of course, Malaysians with a Singapore work pass will still be allowed to continue to work in Singapore because we’re practically brothers and sisters liao.