A Look at All New Measures in the Last Month As Today (4 May) is Supposed to be the Last Day of CB

In an alternate universe whereby PM Lee did not take to stage to tell us about the extension of the Circuit Breaker on 21 April 2020, we would now all be washing the only underwear and shorts we’ve been wearing for the last 28 days, shaving the beard you never knew you could have and showering for the first time since 4 weeks.

Because tomorrow would be the day that you can finally hear the drink stall assistant shouts, “来, 后面烧!” (make way, I’m carrying something hot!) even when she’s carrying two cans of chilled Coke.

But alas; our universe comprises a world whereby Kim Jong-Un went missing for weeks, Elon Musk went insane and Barney becoming a Sovereign citizen, so we’d still have to stay home for at least one more month.

What you might have forgotten is that because time’s no longer moving at a speed we’re used to, we might think that wearing mask in public has been compulsory since 2017, but it’s just been put into law about two weeks ago.

So here’s a timeline of the new measures that were put in place since the Circuit Breaker started, mainly to remind you that it’s only been a month since we’ve worn the same underwear, and also to show you that time does move during this trying period.

9 April 2020
Two days after Circuit Breaker kicked in, public trains and buses started to have safe distancing measures too, with stickers to tell you where to stand, and buses to have a limit on the number of passengers. It was also this period that thermal scanners started appearing in selected MRT stations and we also started to see more men and women in grey: Transport Ambassadors.

Also, on this day, stadiums would be closed because we are all anyhowly gathering there instead of exercising alone in the jogging track.

11 April 2020
A day after stadiums were closed, the authorities noticed that people were also anyhowly gathering at open fields, so even open fields are closed.

12 April 2020
All visitors to all wet markets managed by NEA must put on a mask, and they’re encouraged to go to the market during off-peak hours.

Also, from this day onwards, there won’t be any written warnings (wow, that sounds like ten years ago) for anyone breaching safe-distancing measures: a composition fine of $300 will be immediately imposed for first offenders.

14 April 2020
It’s announced that there would be changes to the frequency of some buses and trains, as fewer passengers are now commuting. That decision was reviewed a few days later when it turned out that reducing the train frequency led to crowding in several trains during peak hour.

Also, on this day, wearing a mask becomes compulsory. Yes, it’s rather shocking to know that masks were made compulsory only two weeks ago—it felt like two years ago.

19 April 2020
McDonald’s closed all outlets, and while they promised to come back tomorrow (5 May), a new announcement at the end of last month stated that they won’t be opening that soon.

20 April 2020
All work permit holders and S pass holders in the construction sector would be put on Stay-Home notice for two weeks, which has now since been extended to 18 May 2020 instead. This is because contact tracing shows that there have been transmissions in work sites.

21 April 2020
Announcement of extension of Circuit Breaker. Need I say more? Also, more shops would be closed from the next day, and that includes bubble tea shops. In addition, the June holidays will be shifted to May, which means students would only have one month of Home-Based Learning. That is, if the Circuit Breaker didn’t get extended again lah.

This extension also means BMT recruits would continue to stay at home while NSmen would have all their obligations suspended…except for those medics and MOs who are going to Singapore Expo to fight a real war.

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25 April 2020
The Singapore flag can now be displayed until the end of National Day Celebrations. If there is any celebration, that is.

2 May 2020
There would be some easing of Circuit Breaker measures, which you can read all about here.

As you can tell, new measures come fast and furious in the early days of the Circuit Breaker, much like how the virus spread fast and furious.

After a few days of low local community cases, the number bounces back to double digit yesterday, but it should be noted that there have been improvements since the start of the Circuit Breaker.

With so many new measures, you might miss out on an announcement so you might want to get the latest updates by bookmarking MOH’s website here and registering for the Gov.sg’s WhatsApp service here.

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