A Very Angry & Oppressed S’porean Started a Petition to Allow Unvaccinated People into Malls

If there’s one thing to learn after seeing so many online petitions being set up in Singapore, it’s this: it seldom (or never) works.

But people are still setting up the petitions: before PMD was banned, people set up an online petition to ban PMD. After PMD was banned, people set up an online petition to unban PMD.

And with the announcement that unvaccinated people would be barred from entering malls, you can bet that someone’s going to start a petition.

Well, here you go:

Image: change.org

A Very Angry & Oppressed S’porean Started a Petition to Allow Unvaccinated People into Malls

A “very angry and oppressed Singaporean” going by the handle of Mel Ong has set up an online petition on Change.org with a very simple request: “Allow Unvaccinated People to Enter Malls in Singapore!”

If it’s started by someone who’s medically ineligible to take the vaccine, it’d be completely understandable but it appears to be by someone who opposes the vaccine for other reasons.

For a start, her argument is that “most goods and services are concentrated in malls to maximise space usage,” and that unvaccinated individuals are “denied of important, including essential, goods and services for themselves and their families.”

For the record, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Trade and Industry and Enterprise Singapore said in a joint statement yesterday that they are “aware of concerns raised by the public with regard to the need for some unvaccinated individuals to access medical and childcare related services in the malls. Provisions will be made to allow for access to these services.”

More information would be released later.

Mel Ong, who addressed the petition to Lee Hsien Loong, Ong Ye Kun (who that?), Kenneth Mak, Lawrence Wong, MMTF and MOH, also made various claims that our uncles in WhatsApp claim as well:

  • Vaccinated people have as much, if not more, viral loads than unvaccinated people
  • There are many adverse reactions from the vaccine jabs which are swept under the carpet
  • There are of scientific evidence to show the dangers and ineffectiveness of the jabs, especially in highly vaccinated countries such as Israel
  • Implied that the Singapore Government is giving the jabs because they’ve invested heavily in the jabs
  • Implied we are jabbed for life to boost “Big Pharma profits”

It should also be noted that the entire wall of text is filled with several grammatical errors and also lots of strong punctuation marks; while we shouldn’t judge a content based on the syntax of its sentences, we should all know that misinformation usually come packaged with…grammatical errors.

As of time of writing, the petition has garnered 6,159 signatures.

Why The Ban?

According to Minister Gan Kim Yong, the measures to bar unvaccinated folks into malls will “further protect those who are not fully vaccinated”.

“There have been a few settings frequently visited by a significant proportion of infected individuals, including those who are unvaccinated, who later on fell very ill. Such settings include (food and beverage) outlets, retail establishments and shopping centres.”

1 Week’s Grace for Unvaccinated Individuals to Enter Malls; More Info to Be Released Before 13 Oct

Initially, the announcement was that from 13 October, unvaccinated folks (except for those 12 and below) won’t be able to eat in hawker centres and coffee shops, and they won’t be able to enter shopping malls, too.

But for the rules pertaining to shopping malls, there will be a week’s grace period.

The Ministry of Health, Ministry of Trade and Industry and Enterprise Singapore said, “We would like to assure members of the public that the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) and Enterprise Singapore (ESG) are working closely with mall operators to allow tenants, mall operators, and the public to familiarise themselves with the new processes and checks. To facilitate this, there will be a grace period of one week for VDS in malls to be implemented, from 13 October 2021 to 19 October 2021. MTI and ESG will provide more details in an advisory which will be issued before 13 October 2021.”

Read Also:

Featured Image: change.org

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