Take a look:

Now, if I were to tell you that the man above has contracted the coronavirus, you’d probably be like Wah, our education minister has Covid-19? And when did he get such a chiseled jawline?
But the man above is actually an American actor, which is good news for our education minister’s health but not his jawline.

While the chiseled man at the top may not be our education minister, he really did contract the Covid-19 virus.
Actor & S’pore Education Minister Lookalike Daniel Dae Kim Tested Positive for COVID-19
Actor Daniel Dae Kim recently posted a 10-minute video on Instagram, announcing that he has the coronavirus.
Kim, whom you may know from the TV show LOST, believes he contracted the disease while in New York City filming the television series New Amsterdam.
Ironically, Kim was set to play a trauma surgeon on New Amsterdam and be introduced in an episode that had the characters on the medical drama dealing with a flu pandemic.

The actor said he developed a scratchy throat while flying back to Hawaii to be with his family after filming on the series was halted due to the coronavirus outbreak.
Unlike many other inconsiderate humans, Kim immediately self quarantined upon arrival in Hawaii. He then began experiencing other symptoms like chest tightness, body aches, and a fever.
Upon his doctor’s recommendation, Kim got himself tested at a drive-thru testing centre in Honolulu.
Leave it to America to come up with a drive-thru centre for Covid-19 testing.
He said was never hospitalized and treated his symptoms with medicine, rest, and liquids.
I mean when you’re at the peak of physical fitness, how much damage can a coronavirus really do, anyway?

Covid-19: I’m going to destroy you
Daniel Day Kim’s Abs: Lol
Fortunately, Kim’s case seems to be a mild one.
“Today, even though I’m not 100%, I’m pretty close,” he said, adding that his case was not “a matter of life and death”.
Criticised Xenophobia
Kim also took this opportunity to praise medical workers and grocery store employees who risk contracting the coronavirus every day.
He also criticised the xenophobic behaviour that has surfaced during the outbreak, calling such actions “cowardly” and “inexcusable.”
“Yes, I’m Asian. And yes, I have coronavirus, but I did not get it in China. I got it in America – in New York City,” he said. “Despite what certain political leaders want to call it, I don’t consider the place where it’s from as important as the people who are sick and dying.”
He might be referring to how Donald Trump has repeatedly referred to the virus as “China virus” and even defended the use of the term.
Though, if it doesn’t matter where it’s from, why did he feel the need to say that he contracted it in New York City?
Kim also said he was “grateful to be alive and healthy”.
“It gives me hope that through our collective efforts we can beat this thing and flatten the curve.”
The LOST actor ends the video saying “But in the meantime please be safe, please be healthy and please be kind to one another. And please stop hoarding the toilet paper. Seriously. How dirty are you down there?”
You hear that, world? Now it’s not just Goody Feed and the government telling you to stop hoarding toilet paper; now an American actor wants you to stop too.
So, please do.
You can watch this video to understand our obsession with toilet paper:
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