Ah Girls Go Army Has Made $2 Million & Its Sequel Will be Out in June as Jack Neo Plans to Shoot More Scenes

Ah Girls Go Army continuing to rake in money at the box office is no surprise.

But a sequel coming out in June? I am once again putting out the theory that Jack Neo’s production team is made up of Sonic the Hedgehog clones.

Yes, AGGA Has Made $2 Million Despite The Hate

In case you were living under a rock and have no idea what Ah Girls is all about, here’s a recap: the movie explore a “possible near-future” where the local population has decreased so significantly that women will have to join the Army.

The movie predicts what might be Singapore’s first batch of female recruits: “a bunch of Gen Z teens with different backgrounds and education.”

After trials and tribulations, these girls will gradually warm up to the concept of National Service over the course of the movie.

You might be thinking: Oh, okay, that doesn’t sound too bad. How are people reacting to it? Well, watch this video for our cute office cat to explain all the hate this movie is getting:

YouTube video

Despite all the terrible reviews, Ah Girls has managed to capture the hearts of majority of Singaporeans. Or maybe the bad reviews prompted fence-sitters to go watch and judge for themselves.

Whether you watched the movie as a hater or a lover, the film has raked in over $2 million at the Singapore box office.

It turned out to be a hit in other countries too, as it has made 1.5 million ringgit in Malaysia and Brunei as well.

AGGA 2 Hitting Theatres in June

Ah Girls Go Army 2 is set to be released in June.

However, it was originally supposed to be released in March, if it wasn’t for Jack Neo wanting to shoot additional scenes. That means that the movie would have gone from filming to production to theatres in less than three months. 

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Seriously, how fast are they filming the scenes? Do they never have bloopers? Does the production crew work 24/7? Are they secretly all robots? We’ll never know.

Also, in another stroke of genius, they decided to release the film in June because they wanted it to be in theatres during the school holidays.

If the sequel proves to be a hit with the kids… You might want to brace yourselves for the military-themed kid costumes for Halloween this year.

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Featured Images: Facebook (Ah Girls Go Army)

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