It seems like everywhere we turn, the authorities are telling us time and time again not to wear masks.
That’s right.
See that blue barrier of protection (surgical masks) aka your last line of defence against the deadly novel coronavirus?
Yeah, it’s pretty much useless, according to health experts all over the world.
This time, it’s no different:
Airline Doctor Reveals The Best Way To Protect From Wuhan Virus On Flights
A medical advisor to the world’s airlines has told us to ditch the face masks and rubber gloves in favour of washing our hands frequently.
Dr David Powell is a physician and medical adviser to the International Air Transport Association (Iata).
Now before you raise your pitchforks, let me explain the logic behind this statement.
According to Dr Powell, the virus is unable to survive for long on seats or armrests. Hence, physical contact with another person carries the largest risk of infection on a flight.
Thus, masks and gloves are much more effective for spreading bugs than stopping them.

He also assures us that the chances of being infected by a lethal virus on an aircraft are low. It’s also worthwhile to note that viruses cannot survive on non-living surfaces.
In fact, shaking hands with someone poses a much greater risk of you getting infected than touching a dry surface that has no biological material.
Your best bet to stay virus-free? Hand hygiene by sanitising your hands and avoiding touching your face.
As the novel coronavirus situation shows zero signs of abating, airlines and countries are taking drastic measures.
For one, many countries all over the world are barring travellers who have been to mainland China in the last two weeks from entering the country.
Other drastic measures include airlines such as United Airlines and Cathay Pacific making the bold move of halting thousands of flights to China.