Mistakes – all of us make them and are allowed to do so… unless you’re on the internet.
When you make a mistake in real life, most people don’t notice it, and the ones who do will probably forget about it sooner or later.
But the internet is an unforgiving place, and if you happen to say or do the wrong thing there, not only will it be online forever, netizens will go to great lengths to remind you of your mistake for the rest of time.
So, for instance, if you happen to post a picture with the wrong description in a WhatsApp chat group, another member might simply correct you.
But make the same mistake on Facebook, and you’ll become a meme.
American on Facebook Said MBS is in Tennessee
On 14 June, a Facebook user by the name of Aye Shaun shared a picture of the Marina Bay Sands (MBS) hotel.
This wouldn’t normally make front-page news, but he made a little error in his description of the landmark that has come to be a symbol of Singapore.
See if you can spot it:
That’s right, he titled his post “Downtown Chattanoga, Tenessee. It’s Beautiful”.
For those who don’t know, Chattanoga is a city in Tennessee, a landlocked state in the U.S. South.
It is quite some distance from 10 Bayfront Ave, as Google Maps shows:
According to his Facebook account, the user lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and thus may not be familiar with MBS.
We could have simply told him that he made a mistake, and that it was actually Marina Bay Sands in Singapore.
But that wouldn’t be much fun, would it?
Singaporeans Flood Comment Section With Memes
The erroneous post quickly found its way to Singapore, and Singaporeans meme-d the living heck out of it.
Since Mr Aye Shaun posted a picture with the wrong description, netizens here did the same thing.

There was one that was at least partially accurate:

It’s unclear if the Facebook user has realised his amusing error as he’s not responded in the comments section of his post, nor taken the post down.
Until then, Singaporeans will probably put off their plans to dine out and meet their friends so they can post even more memes there.
Have fun.
Featured Image: Facebook (Aye Shaun)