Australian Woman ‘Sees’ Her Boyfriend After He ‘Died’ A Few Years Back

It always starts out when you first meet that person and you think he’s pretty cute. You guys go out on a few dates and within moments, you’ve got a huge crush on him. Just one look and he’s able to make you swoon.

Your relationship goes well but at one point, it starts going downhill. You get into more arguments and fights with him, and then one day, his mother tells you that he passed away.

You grieve his loss because, despite all those fights and unhappiness, you guys did have your fair share of great memories that were filled with so much laughter.

It’s been a few years and while it’s still difficult, you have come to accept his death and move on with your life.

Only to walk into a restaurant and see him standing there, very much alive.

Image: Giphy

That’s exactly what happened to this Australian woman who is known only as Rachel.


Let’s backtrack to when it all started.

Rachel was just 18 years old when she met her 21-year-old boyfriend. He was a chef at the local pub that they both worked at and was described as someone who was very nice and attentive.

Three months later, her boyfriend came home from a night out with a broken hand and claimed that it was because of a fight that wasn’t even his fault to begin with.

Being the caring girlfriend that she was, she lent him AUD1000 (~S$932) since he could no longer work. This money was meant for him to continue to make ends meet.

They broke up a few months later because Rachel was young and fickle, and she simply didn’t want to continue a relationship with him. He paid her back AUD300 (~S$279) but subsequently ignored her requests to be paid back the rest of the money.

Someone sounds a little salty and petty.

His friends who co-lived with him in a house later told Rachel that his furniture started disappearing. This included his bed and wardrobe. They were then told that he had gone to rehab in Queensland. And this was the weird part because Rachel never thought he would be a drug user, and he certainly didn’t give off the vibe of one either.

Rachel then started talking to his friends and found out that he owed each of them money. In total, they estimated that he owed them AUD2,200 (~S$2,051). That’s when they started finding the whole thing suspicious.

But before they could even do anything, Rachel heard from a friend that he had passed away.

According to that friend, Rachel’s ex-boyfriend’s mother had told him that her son was murdered by a bikie gang because he owed them money. Rachel simply said that she didn’t want to know all the details about his death and that she just wanted to mourn his loss in her own way.

So she did.

The Shocking Truth

Two years later, Rachel and her friend decided to head to a restaurant in the town that they both grew up in. She knew that her ex’s brother worked there, so she figured that it would be harmless to say hi to him.

She called for a waitress and asked if he was in, to which she replied, “no, but his brother is”. She asked her which brother and the waitress said her ex’s name.

Image: Giphy

Uhh… What??

Rachel went into shock and asked the waitress to check if he could come out to meet her.

But before she even had the chance to meet him, the manager came out to talk to her and asked if there were any problems. He then asked her to leave.

But on what grounds? Why did they make her leave?

Rachel and her best friend sat in their car contemplating what to do next, and they decided to call the police but was later told that there was nothing they could do.

They tried calling the restaurant again and asked to speak to her ex, but they told her that no one by that name worked there.

This story is getting pretty weird…

A few moments later, Rachel got a text from her ex’s mother berating her for causing a scene at the restaurant and getting her son fired.


What scene did Rachel cause? As far as we know, she simply asked to see him. And why did he fake his death in the first place? Was it because he wanted to escape paying everyone back?

Image: Giphy

I can’t imagine what emotions Rachel must be feeling right now, but I’m sure it’s along the lines of anger and the feeling of being cheated.

We don’t know why a mother would lie to her son’s friends that her son got murdered and cause everyone to be upset about his death. But we know one thing for sure. And that’s the fact that their actions are simply heartless.

If you owe someone money, don’t take the easy way out and just escape. You owe them the explanation as to why you’re not able to return the money just yet.

Maybe they would be more forgiving if you just explained yourself instead of ghosting them.


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