Authorities Provide More Details on Which Unvaccinated People Can Enter Malls

Unless you’re a Goody Feed cat who’s been too busy banging away at the keyboard to read the news, you’re probably aware of the latest measures for unvaccinated folks.

But if you are a cat, allow me to elaborate on these new restrictions. Also, please get your jab soon, or you won’t be able to visit Sushi Express anymore.

From today (13 Oct), unvaccinated individuals will not be able to enter malls (there’s a week’s grace for this), large standalone stores, attractions, or even dine at hawker centres and coffee shops.

These restrictions were announced by the multi-ministry COVID-19 task force last Saturday (9 Oct), in a bid to protect unvaccinated folks and ease the pressure on our healthcare system.

But netizens were confused, and had many questions:

What if I have to pick my child up from a mall?

What if I need a medical service that’s only available in a mall?

What if I desperately need to eat at Sushi Express due to a severe sashimi deficiency?

Fortunately for you, the authorities have answered all these questions (except the last one).

Authorities Provide More Details on Which Unvaccinated People Can Enter Malls

Thanks to a joint statement by the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) and Enterprise Singapore (ESG) yesterday (12 Oct), we know now that there are indeed some exceptions to the rule.

One group that is exempt from the rule which bans unvaccinated people from entering malls is patients who require medical attention from doctors, dentists, and registered traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioners.

Before entering the mall, they will need to show proof of an appointment such as a letter, email, SMS, or appointment card.

Another group exempt from the rule is unvaccinated caregivers who need to drop off or pick up children from preschools and childcare centres located in malls.

To enter the mall, they would need to show a letter of support from the preschool or childcare centre.

Other exempt groups include:

  • children aged 12 and under
  • unvaccinated individuals who have recovered from COVID-19
  • unvaccinated individuals who have a negative pre-event test result

Those who have recovered from COVID-19 and wish to enter malls must provide proof of their recovery, either through their TraceTogether app or token, a valid discharge memo, or an exemption notice from the Ministry of Health, along with their government-issued identity card.

Unvaccinated individuals who have a negative pre-event test result can only enter a mall for the duration of the activity or service they require.

Some exceptions will also be made for unvaccinated people who require certain services located in malls and large standalone stores such as IKEA and Decathlon.

Also, unvaccinated people who work in the mall, or third-party contractors such as food delivery riders or delivery personnel, can enter the mall as they’re tested regularly due to Rostered Routine Testing.

Do note that while there will be a one-week grace period for malls until 19 Oct, operators will be enforcing these measures after that.

Goody Feed Cat: I don’t see anything about people with a sashimi deficiency? 

Just get your jabs before your vaccinated feline friends forget about you, dear cat.

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Featured Image: GONGYU /

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