Banned Cruise Ship Passengers Will Face Stricter Checks Before Being Allowed Onto S’pore Soil

After the Singapore port authorities confirmed that they would allow a cruise ship that was rejected entry in Thailand and Malaysia to dock here, people started freaking out.

What if it’s the Diamond Princess 2.0? What if there are more imported cases? WHAT IF WE ALL DIE?!

Image: Giphy

It may seem irrational but one can understand the fear of even more imported Covid-19 cases given how things turned out on the Diamond Princess cruise.

As you know, after just one man got infected with the Covid-19 virus on the Diamond Princess cruise, 700 people onboard ended up getting infected over the next few weeks, and six later died from the disease.

People are wary of cruise ships for this reason; due to a large number of people on board and the fact that they often come into close contact with each other for a significant period of time, it’s easy for a ship to become a Covid-19 cluster even if only one person is infected.

But there’s no need to worry because the Singapore gahmen is taking care of it.

Image: Giphy

Enhanced Measures For Cruise Ship Docking in S’pore For S’poreans’ Peace of Mind

The authorities will conduct enhanced one-on-one checks for all the passengers on board the Costa Fortuna cruise ship that is scheduled to dock in Singapore on Tuesday morning (10 March).

Now, while its cruise operator Costa Cruise said that none of the passengers on board had exhibited any symptoms of the coronavirus, the government is taking precautionary measures just to be safe.

Those who have travelled to northern Italy and exhibit Covid-19 symptoms will be taken directly to the National Centre for Infectious Diseases.

Those without symptoms will be taken directly to the airport for their flights since there is a travel restriction against Italy in Singapore at the moment.

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How About The Rest?

Don’t worry about the remaining passengers, they’ll be screened too.

Passengers who have not travelled to northern Italy recently will undergo temperature screening.

And if these passengers exhibit any Covid-19 symptoms, they will be required to undergo a swab test for the coronavirus.

Passengers who are identified for Covid-19 swab testing but refuse to do so will not be allowed entry into Singapore.

By the way, the swab tests were recently introduced at the checkpoints. And we know they work because it was reported that an Indonesian man was detected at a checkpoint today with the test.


The government isn’t messing around, are they?

Disinfection and temperature screening before boarding

You’ll also be relieved to know that Costa Fortuna was disinfected prior to its departure from Singapore two weeks ago.

Additionally, all its passengers completed pre-embarkation checks which included temperature screening and details on their travel history.

So, there’s really nothing to worry about. Please keep calm and stop buying toilet paper.

Everything will be fine.

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