Singapore is not short on entitlement lately, with abrasive and angry people making the headlines repeatedly. A woman even tossed eggs at a Toast Box Employee just because they were not cracked open for her.
This man in Singapore decided to follow in her misguided footsteps, berating his condominium’s security guard after the latter wheel-clamped his BMW, famously dropping the line “Do you know how many units I own?”.
For some reason, it’s always the BMW drivers.
The Incident
This incident happened on the afternoon of 3 March, at a condominium on Sin Ming Road.

It was recorded by the man himself, who even sent the video to his condo’s residents’ group chat.
The video was then sent to Shin Min Daily News by a woman who declined to be named, bringing the situation to light.
Apparently, the man had found his car wheel-clamped by a security guard, rendering him unable to pick his son up from school.
In a fit of rage, he turned his fury on the “culprit”, his condo’s security guard. In the video, he can be seen shouting at the employee, saying that his son was dismissed at 1.30 pm from school, but because of people like the security guard, he would be unable to pick his son up in time.
“Inconveniencing people is your hobby!” The man shouted in Chinese.
The security guard then tried to explain that he had wheel-clamped the car because it was parked illegally.
Aggrieved, the man cut him off, famously questioning him, “do you know how many units I have here?”.
“I have more than two units here!” He continued his tirade, when the security was too stunned to answer him.
It was raining then, so the security guard attempted to direct the man to a sheltered area to continue the conversation. However, this seemed to make the man unhappier, and he voiced this in an angry rebuttal.
“Since you like inconveniencing people, just fall sick then. Poor people like you like to die anyway,” he shot back.
Residents Disapproved Of His Actions
The other residents of his condo, unsurprisingly (and thankfully), did not approve of his actions, expressing their distaste for them.
According to the woman who leaked the video, the other residents condemned the man’s hateful attitude after he sent the video to the group chat.
“We all feel that the security guard was just doing his job. He did not need to verbally abuse him like that,” she said.
Reportedly, the man had even called the police to report the incident—this was confirmed by the police, who said they received an incident report at around 1 pm on that day.
Because no one was physically harmed in the incident, the police recommended that the parties involved take legal action instead to settle it.
In a Facebook post, the Union of Security Employees (USE) responded to the incident, calling it appalling that an officer was harassed for performing his duty.
Condemning the man’s act of abuse, the USE stated that they would contact the officer and help him lodge a police report.
“Under the amendments to the Private Security Industry Act which came into force in May 2022, there are now enhanced penalties for offences by persons who a) intentionally cause harassment, alarm or distress to; b) assault or use criminal force on; and c) voluntarily cause hurt to; security officers,” they wrote.
Ending the post, they expressed the importance of security officers, and reminded people that they should “never be abused” for carrying out their tasks.