Bukit Batok Clinic Reprimands & Suspends Staff Member Who Kicks Pram & Apologises to Woman & Child

If you’ve been anywhere on the Internet over the past few days, you’ve probably seen, or at least heard of the incident where a clinic receptionist kicked a pram that belonged to a mother and her son.

In the now-deleted TikTok video, the receptionist and mother were seen to be engaging in a violent, fierce argument instead of talking properly like mature adults, and the poor boy tried to break up the fight to no avail.

The receptionist was later filmed to be kicking the pram beside the mother and son duo as well.

And although those who’ve watched the video may have thought to themselves, “What on earth are they arguing about?”, the reason that caused the entire scene was actually pretty minor.

Basically, the mother didn’t want a five-day Medical Certificate (MC) even though she was diagnosed with acute respiratory infection.

Yup. That’s pretty much it.

And if you’re a typical kaypoh Singaporean and want to know all the details of the actual event, we’ve got you covered here.

But for now, let’s move on to something else.

Clinic’s Response

Understandably, Everhealth Clinic and Surgery, the clinic in question, has come under the scrutiny of Singaporeans across the island since the incident occurred two days ago (18 April).

Yesterday (19 April) night, the clinic took to Facebook to announce that it has “reprimanded [its] staff for her actions and have since placed her on leave of absence”.

Many netizens were left rather enraged by the apology that seemed half-hearted and insincere, but others jumped to the clinic’s defence.

In particular, netizens who watched the videos of the incident carefully noted that the mother was the one who initiated the dispute by throwing something at the assistant.

They also said that the mother had set a poor example to her child, and that the receptionist’s reaction was justified since the mother was the one who harrassed her first.

Someone even commented, “Will the mother apologise to the staff as well?”

Well, I guess there’s no way of telling.

Today (20 April), the clinic also posted another update on Facebook, reminding the public about the Policy for Zero Tolerance Towards Abuse and Harassment that the Ministry of Health has put in place since February last year.

Featured Image: TikTok (@jenny_lethu)

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