Bullies Kneel Down & Apologise At The Funeral Of Their Victim

Kids are not exactly known for their ability to empathise. They’re more known for their pointing and laughing.

Unfortunately, bullying in schools is a common sight; you or your friends may have experienced it growing up.

But they’re just silly little pranks, what’s the big deal?

Well, it may not seem like much to the bully, but these stunts can cause the victim a great deal of pain, so much so that life is not worth living.

Bullied M’sia Teen Commits Suicide

To his friends and family, Jiang Junzhe seemed like he was completely fine.

Unfortunately, the 17-year-old had been the target of bullying by two of his classmates.

According to China Pressthe two bullies had allegedly poured chilli sauce into Jiang’s school bag, poured water on him, and taken his bank card.

Some of Jiang’s classmates claim that he was repeatedly bullied by classmates because he refused to join a secret gang.

So, he was bullied for being a smart and rational boy?

Family & Friends Unaware Of His Plight

Jiang’s mother was completely unaware that he was being bullied in school, saying he showed no signs of distress before the incident.

His mother did notice him packing food to school, but did not think much of it because he said it was to lose weight.

But what actually happened was that his bank card was stolen by his bullies and thus he couldn’t afford to buy any food from his cafeteria.

Some of Jiang’s classmates who were with him on his last day at school didn’t think anything was amiss either; one of them even played basketball with him.

“He told me that this would be the last time we play basketball. But I didn’t think anything was wrong at that time.”

Sadly, at around 6pm that day (2 March), Jiang committed suicide by jumping off the 4th storey of a mall in Kulai, Johor.

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Bullies apologised to the victim at his funeral

Jiang’s funeral was held in Johor and was attended by his friends and family.

Surprisingly though, even his bullies turned up, along with their parents.

Image: Facebook (Jess Liang)

The two bullies were seen kneeling in front of the coffin and reportedly apologised to the deceased victim.

Image: China Press

Jiang’s mother reportedly said to the bullies: “If it was your son who died today, what would you do? You forced my son and left him no choice but to jump.”

The victim’s family also reportedly scolded the bullies’ parents for not educating their children well.

One can only imagine what they are going through.

In one of Jiang’s last Instagram stories supposedly posted before his death, he wrote: “Thank you, everyone. I wouldn’t be where I am today if not for you, but I really cannot go on any longer”.

Mental health education in Singapore

Bullying is a serious problem all over the world, including Singapore.

According to a study by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Singapore has the third-highest rate of bullying globally.

Moreover, 3 in 4 youngsters say they have been bullied online.

That’s why the government is introducing mental health education in all schools by 2022.

The programme will help students to understand mental health issues, learn how to seek support, and encourage students to help one another.


Second Minister for Education Indranee Rajah said that mental health education will also be included in the refreshed character and citizenship education curriculum for secondary schools.

Mental health is not something anyone should take lightly. If you or someone you know is being bullied, please talk to someone about it, whether it’s your teacher, family member, or friend.

Please seek help before it’s too late.


  • SOS 24-hour Hotline: 1800-221-4444
  • Singapore Association of Mental Health: 1800-283-7019
  • Institute of Mental Health: 6389-2222 (24 hours)
  • Tinkle Friend: 1800-274-4788 (for primary school-aged children)

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