Bus Driver Involved in Bukit Batok Interchange Accident Charged For Not Giving Way

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of the bus crash at Bukit Batok Bus Interchange that left 14 people injured last July.

No, but, seriously, if you have no idea, here‘s a quick read for you to get up to speed before we continue.

Former Tower Transit Bus Driver Charged

Loo Eng Chai, 66, who is a Permanent Resident, was charged in court today (9 February) with one count of causing grievous hurt to six people by driving in a negligent manner.

He was also charged with causing hurt to eight people by driving in a negligent manner on the same day.

With the case being adjourned to 4 March, Loo faces up to two years in jail and a maximum fine of $5,000 if he is convicted.

According to The Straits Times, Loo also lost his job as a bus driver after the incident.

The Incident

Just to put things into perspective, Loo was the one driving the bus with no passengers, i.e. not the one that ended up landing on its side.

And here’s how the incident happened, according to court documents.

At the interchange, Loo had apparently failed to give way while making a right turn.

The other bus, which was travelling in the opposite direction, was situated on the left side of Loo’s bus but moving towards the right.

As Loo did not give way, his bus crashed right into the right side of the other bus, causing it to mount a kerb and flip to its side.

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The People Involved

While Loo’s bus had no passengers, the other bus driven by fellow Tower Transit bus driver Mr Mohammed Salleh Mian, 65, did.

The ages of the injured passengers range from ten to 70 years old, and neither the extent nor the nature of their injuries were disclosed in court.

Apart from Mr Mohammed and his passengers, another bus driver who was taking his break was also seriously injured.

Mr Alias Mokson, 57, a bus driver from SBS Transit, was having a break at the interchange when he got hurt as a result of Loo’s actions.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Murali Pillai)

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