I’m sure many of us are familiar with the popular online marketplace Carousell. In fact, most of us would have used this marketplace at least once, either to buy items or to sell your pre-loved ones.
Overall, it’s a good platform for us to buy and sell things, but unfortunately, it is not always that we get pleasant experiences.
Take for example the man who simply wanted to meet up with a Carouseller to buy something from her, only to find out that it was just a cruel prank on her part.
Another Carouseller recently shared her experience after purchasing some stuff from a seller. However, this time, she didn’t receive any racist remarks. Rather, she felt something way weirder, and not in a good way.
Free Beauty Gifts
On 1 January, Nadie Othman took to Facebook to share her scary experience.
She had originally purchased a second-hand item from a seller on Carousell when the seller suddenly contacted her on the same day telling her that she will be given a few beauty items at no extra cost.
It is not uncommon to find sellers giving buyers free beauty samples, so obviously, Nadie didn’t think too much about it. Besides, it’s free stuff, right?
So Nadie accepted the kind offer from her seller and told her that she will collect them in a few days’ time, but the seller was adamant that she received them that night.

Despite feeling a bit confused as to why the seller was so insistent, she brushed it off and told her that she could pass the items to her mother-in-law the following morning.
And here’s the even weirder part. Most sellers would probably just arrange for a delivery or meet up somewhere that is convenient for them, but this particular seller made it a point to tell Nadie that she will personally deliver the items at 10am to her doorstep.

The Start Of Misfortune
After the items arrived the following day, Nadie started getting creepy vibes. For no apparent reason, she had nightmares where someone was always watching her and following her around.
Subsequently, she fell sick and even had a fever.
Whether it’s because of her own paranoia or something ominous that may have been present because of the free gifts, we may never know for sure.
At around 1am that night, her mother-in-law gave her a text asking her if she could return all the items back to the seller.
She later explained that she, too, felt an ominous presence around her watching her every move.
She claimed that she heard noises coming from the room that the gifts were placed in when she was watching the television alone in the house. She thought it was nothing much, but this kept happening even though she knew that no one else was in the house and it wasn’t possible that there would be any noise.
The moment she heard all these from her mother-in-law, she instantly had goosebumps all over her body. Up until this point, she had not seen the free items yet because of how busy she was.
She finally went to check and was shocked to find what some of the items were.
Mannequin heads and a vintage wig.

Not sure about you but I’m creeped out even by looking at these photos.
Needless to say, Nadie immediately threw them out.
So take note guys, sometimes, free things may not always be something good. Also, I’m not trying to be superstitious or anything, but do beware of the things you bring into your household, because who knows what will happen?
If you’re curious, you can read Nadie’s full post below.