Central Kitchen in Admiralty Fined After Serious Cockroach Infestation Found During Inspection

Is it just me or are cockroaches taking over the world?

Image: Pinterest

Or maybe they’ve gathered together as brothers in arms and have decided that their plan of attack is to wipe out food companies because that’s where all the good stuff (food) is at.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, just recently, I wrote about another ‘widespread’ cockroach infestation that happened at a Singapore tofu manufacturing company’s food preparation area.

The company in question, Dolford Manufacturing Pte Ltd was subsequently fined $3,000 for its serious hygiene lapses.

And now this:

Central Kitchen In Admiralty Fined After Serious Cockroach Infestation Found During Inspection

The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) announced that a central kitchen in Admiralty was fined on Thursday for several hygiene lapses which also included a “widespread cockroach infestation”.

Okay, this sounds spookily similar to the previous case that hit the Singapore tofu manufacturer.

Image: troll.me

This time though, the company in question is Obayed Holdings, which has a license to prepare cooked meals.

They have been fined a whopping $6,000 for two charges for failing to keep its food preparation area clean.

Besides cockroaches, they also had ants and houseflies in the cutting room.

I think I’m going to be sick.

Here’s their post on Facebook:

SFA Reiterates Warning

If you are reading this and you are a food manufacturer or a worried member of the general public, SFA has something to say to you:

“All food operators should ensure that their premises are clean and well-maintained, and staff are adequately trained on proper food safety management.”

They also reiterate that they will take action against those who disobey regulations or food hygiene and safety requirements.

Those who disobey the regulations can be liable to a maximum fine of $5,000.

And those who don’t learn from their mistakes will face a further fine of up to $100 for every day or part thereof during which the offence continues after conviction.

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