China Finally Has 0 Confirmed Cases Outside of Hubei

There was a time when the number of new daily COVID-19 cases in China was really alarming compared to the rest of the world.

Today, it is the exact opposite. In fact, other countries like South Korea are now facing a surge in confirmed cases due to the notorious Shincheonji church cluster.

And now:

China Finally Has 0 Confirmed Cases Outside of Hubei

Image: Tenor

Mainland China, outside Hubei province, has reported no new locally transmitted cases on Sunday, 8 March for the second day in a row.

The National Health Commission said that China had 40 new confirmed cases of the coronavirus infections on Sunday which is down from 44 cases a day earlier.

Trust me, this is a big deal as it’s the lowest number reported since the health authority began publishing nationwide data on 20 January.

Out of the new cases on Sunday, 36 were new infections that occurred in Wuhan, the provincial capital of Hubei.

The remaining four cases were in Gansu province and were imported from Iran.

The total number of imported cases hit 67, including the four Gansu cases.

In total, the number of confirmed cases in mainland China stands at a whopping 80,735.

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Though Domestic Spread Has Slowed, Authorities Still Mindful Of Returning Travellers

Despite this, though the domestic spread of the virus seems to have slowed down, authorities are still wary of both foreigners and Chinese nationals who are returning from affected regions.

Shanghai has been more diligent in airport screenings as of late given the rise in imported infections from countries like Italy and Iran.

China also has to be prepared for the tens of millions of migrant workers who are going back to offices, malls and factories as this could result in further spread of the virus.

Since the end of Sunday, a total of 58,600 patients have made a full recovery and were discharged from the hospital.

Since there is a possibility for re-infection, those who have recently recovered have been told to observe a 14-day quarantine after being discharged.

Clearly China is taking no chances.

This is similar to Singapore where even though our Covid-19 situation is being handled pretty well, we are told to prepare for more cases and even deaths.

Small Hotel Used To Quarantine People Collapsed & Killed 10

Though the number of confirmed cases are declining, not everything has been rosy for China.

On Saturday, a small hotel that was used to quarantine people under observation, located in Fujian province crumbled to the ground.

The incident claimed the lives of 10 people.

There were 71 people inside the hotel at the time of the tragedy, and 58 of them had been undergoing quarantine.

In total, the deaths arising from the virus in China hit 3,119 as of Sunday which had increased by 22 from Saturday.

People In China Asking For The Lockdown To Be Lifted

China resorted to questionable methods to implement the lockdown of its 60 million people following the COVID-19 outbreak.

For instance, they had to resort to drastic measures such as making use of mobile apps to keep track of every single individual’s movement.

However, since several cities at the epicentre of the COVID-19 outbreak have not recorded any new infections, people have come forward to ask for the lockdown to be lifted.

The lockdown itself has affected the livelihood of the Chinese, with some expressing that they’re facing difficulty buying daily necessities due to the lack of delivery services.

Some people in China have had to resort to surviving on vegetables that they grow themselves.


Others have also reportedly been unable to return to their jobs located in other provinces. Hence, they haven’t received their salaries and are unable to pay their bills and mortgages.

Situation In Singapore

Thankfully, Singapore has yet to resort to such drastic measures, but the situation here isn’t so good either.

In fact, as of 8 March, a total of 12 new COVID-19 cases were reported today and 9 of them are from the SAFRA Jurong Cluster where there was a private dinner on 15 February 2020.

The total number of confirmed cases is now 150. Out of this, 90 have made full recoveries while 9 people are currently in the ICU.

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