China Reported the Lowest Number of Confirmed Cases Since Jan As Cases Overseas Spiked

Things have not been great in China lately.

The Covid-19 virus has ravaged the country, infecting over 78,000 people and claiming 2,788 lives.

But now, we might finally have some good news.

China Reported the Lowest Number of Confirmed Cases Since Jan As Cases Overseas Spiked

China’s National Health Commission reported 327 new confirmed cases of coronavirus infections on Thursday (27 Feb) down from 433 cases a day earlier.

According to CNA, this is the lowest number of additional confirmed cases since 23 Jan. Yes, there’s actually good news about the coronavirus situation in China.

Image: Giphy

This brings the total accumulated number of confirmed cases in mainland China to 78,824.

Only nine new cases outside Hubei

As you know, China’s central Hubei province is the epicentre of the outbreak and the area most affected by the disease.

Out of the 327 new cases, 318 are from the Hubei province, down from 409 cases a day earlier and the lowest since 24 Jan.

More good news!

Image: Giphy

This means that excluding Hubei, mainland China reported just 9 new cases on Thursday, down from 24 a day earlier.

Wuhan, the city where the virus first started spreading, reported 313 confirmed cases, down from 383 a day earlier and the lowest since 26 Jan.

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So, things seem to be improving in China.

The death toll reached 2,788 as of the end of Thursday, up by 44 from the previous day.

Hubei reported 41 new deaths on Thursday, while 28 people died in Wuhan.

Spike in South Korea

On the other hand, South Korea is experiencing a huge spike in cases.

The East Asian nation reported 256 new coronavirus cases on Friday (28 Feb), bringing the total to 2,022, the highest in the world outside China.

Now, 2,022 may not sound like much compared to China’s 78,000, but South Korea had just 31 confirmed cases on 18 Feb. This means that there’s been an increase of over 1,900 in just 10 days.

And, according to CNA, this total is expected to increase further after checks began on more than 210,000 members of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, a church often accused of being a cult that is linked to around half of the country’s cases.

3 new cases in Singapore

Back here in sunny Singapore, three new Covid-19 cases were confirmed by the authorities on Thursday (27 Feb).

This brings the total number of cases in the country to 96.

Yes, the number of cases is still climbing, but four more patients were discharged on Thursday. This means that 66 out of 96 cases have fully recovered from the infection. And don’t worry; these discharged patients won’t be “re-infected”.

So, while the exception of South Korea, things seem to be looking up.

Let’s hope the spread of the disease slows down everywhere, and Goody Feed can finally go back to writing about nose hairs. I miss those days.

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