Imagine having a meal at a restaurant with your family and as you’re about to head to the counter to pay, you realise that your meal has already been paid for.

That would be a dream, right? After all, it sounds a little too good to be true, don’t you think?
Well, this actually happened for one particular lady and her family, and the stranger who paid for their meal didn’t have to but did so anyway.
Having A Typical Meal
It was just like any other day for Ms Nannie and her family. Thinking of eating at Al-Azhar restaurant along 11 Cheong Chin Nam road, her husband dropped her and their three young daughters off before he went ahead to look for a parking lot to park their car.

Ms Nannie brought their three daughters into the restaurant and proceeded to order first.
When the food came, her husband was still not there yet.
But since they were already so hungry, they dug in.
While eating and tending to her daughters with their food, Ms Nannie noticed that a Chinese lady who was sitting alone next to their table kept smiling as she watched her daughters eat.
Since this happened frequently, she didn’t think much of it and continued eating.
Chinese Lady Leaves But Not Without Peeking At Their Table Number
As the lady got up to leave, Ms Nannie noticed that she seemed like she was peeking at their table number.
Despite this happening, she said, “Once again I didn’t think much cos I was busy attending to the girls eating.”
After eating for a while more, her husband finally came to join their table. However, it was at this time that a waiter approached their table and handed them a receipt, telling them their meal has already been paid for.

This, of course, came as a surprise for the couple because they weren’t expecting anyone to do this.
There was no reason for anyone to do this either.

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Paying It Forward
Despite not knowing who the kind stranger who paid for their meal was, Ms Nannie has a “strong feeling that it was that Chinese lady” who paid for them.
However, since she has no way of contacting the lady or whoever it was that paid for her family’s meal, she decided to take it to Facebook because she believed in the power of social media.
Inspired by the stranger’s kind actions, Ms Nannie said that she will be paying it forward, perhaps so that she can brighten up someone else’s day, just like how this kind stranger brightened hers.
Her post has already garnered more than 1.6k shares on Facebook, but the identity of the stranger remains unknown.
Although I have to say, seeing someone do a good deed without asking for recognition is pretty amazing, isn’t it?
Pay It Forward
In case you didn’t know, paying it forward essentially means that you do something kind for someone else after receiving an act of kindness yourself instead of just accepting or repaying the original good deed.
For example, you can pay for someone else while you’re also paying for your own meal. This initiative is intended to become a cycle in which the next person responds to your kindness by being kind to someone else.

Other Experiences
One lady who commented on Ms Nannie’s post also shared her experience of paying it forward.

She explained that she paid for two old ladies on separate occasions. The first one was when she was buying chicken rice at Gourmet Food Paradise at Toa Payoh. The elderly lady in front of her handed the cashier one $50 note, but he told her to get smaller notes from other stalls before making her payment.
Despite explaining that she couldn’t do that because she was alone and someone would clear her tray, the cashier maintained his stance that she should get smaller change.
Seeing this unfold in front of her, the netizen told the cashier to instead charge the elderly lady’s order with hers.
In another occasion, she paid for an old lady’s haircut along with her children’s after overhearing that she only survives on $300 a month from aid.
It is nice to see that there’s still some humanity in this world, and it’s heartwarming to know that there are kind people like that who will willingly pay for someone else even though there’s no reward for them.
Even though this culture is not common in Singapore, perhaps we can learn to inculcate it.
Pay it forward and brighten up someone else’s day, guys.
After all, kindness begets kindness.