Confirmed: Part of Italy is Now on Lockdown as Country Registers About 6K Confirmed Cases

It was previously reported by BBC that Italy is considering locking down Northern Italy.

This means that it will effectively quarantine 16 million people in the Lombardy region and 11 other provinces.

And in the latest news…

Confirmed: Part of Italy is Now on Lockdown as Country Registers About 6K Confirmed Cases

The government has since approved these drastic measures to place millions of people under forced quarantine.

These measures have been implemented with the hopes of containing the spread of the COVID-19.

Italian Prime Minister Guiseppe Conte has just announced that a whole list of strict new measures will be implemented to put a cap on the coronavirus outbreak.

This includes a virtual lockdown on its wealthiest and most populous region.

Strict New Rules

These new rules include informing people not to enter or leave Lombardy, which is where 10 million people reside, as well as a dozen provinces in four of Italy’s 19 other regions.

As of time of writing, Lombardy has 3,420 confirmed cases and 154 deaths.

In addition to this, all museums, cultural centres, cinemas, theatres, pubs and nightclubs will be closed in the designated areas which will be enforced beginning Sunday.

Goodbye social life.

All healthcare workers, weddings, funerals and sports events have also been suspended, and working from home is highly encouraged.

The list does not end here. All schools and universities will also be closed in Lombardy and other chosen provinces at the very least until 3 April.

The government had previously announced that schools all over the country would be closed until 15 March. Thus, the date has since been extended.

Provinces That Are Affected

In total, 11 provinces have been affected and these include Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia and Rimini in the region of Emilia-Romagna (Venice, Padua and Treviso in the region of Veneto), Asti and Alessandria in Piedmont and the province of Pesaro and Urbino in the central region of Marche.

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Citizens are to “absolutely avoid” entering or leaving the areas which have been listed. They are also required to avoid travelling around except for in emergency situations or “essential work reasons” within these areas.

Things are really getting serious.

However, cafes and restaurants will be allowed to operate as long as they can somehow ensure that a distance of one metre between customers is guaranteed. After all, food is life.

Conte said on Twitter that plans to limit the movement into and out of a large area including Venice and the financial capital Milan had been signed off.

Conte wrote, “#Coronavirus, the new decree is finally approved.”

The Situation In Italy

The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Italy, which is Europe’s worst affected country hit 5,883 on Saturday according to the Civil Protection Agency.

Head of the agency, Angelo Borrelli told a news conference that deaths from the coronavirus increased by 36 to 233.

The government has since taken strong measures to try to combat the virus. For instance, they approved a plan to hire an extra 20,000 doctors and nurses to battle the COVID-19.

In fact, Italy might also begin recruiting retired doctors as well.

Angelo Borrelli said, “We will win this battle if our citizens adopt a responsible attitude and change their way of living.”

And it’s not just Italy that needs to watch out:

Situation In Singapore

The situation in Singapore isn’t improving either. In fact, as of yesterday (7 March 2020), 8 new cases have been announced with 4 of them being linked to the SAFRA Jurong cluster.


They are a 66-year-old male Singaporean, a 56-year-old female Singaporean, a 60-year-old male Singaporean and a 62-year-old female Indonesian national.

The newest cluster, SAFRA Jurong cluster sparked a series of new measures that have since been implemented.

The total number of cases linked to SAFRA Jurong has increased to 21 cases. Thus, there will be a 14-day suspension of all activities and classes attended by the confirmed cases at the affected community clubs and residents’ committee.

In total, the number of cases in Singapore now stands at 138. Of this, 90 have thankfully made a full recovery.

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