Confirmed: Polling Day for Presidential Election 2023 Will be on 1 Sept, a Friday

Hey, you. The day that you’ve been waiting for is finally here.

No, it’s not payday. But it is a pretty good day too.

It’s a free additional public holiday for all Singaporeans. We’re kidding.

Polling Day for the Presidential Elections, which are slated to be held this year, is scheduled on 1 September 2023, a Friday.

Here is more about polling day for this year.

Polling Day Set to Be On 1 September 2023

This news is hot out of the oven.

In a press release about the Presidential Election 2023, the Prime Minister has issued the Writ of Election for Presidential Election 2023.

Here are some key dates you may want to take note of. Nomination Day will be on 22 August 2023, a Tuesday.

The presidential hopefuls will receive the result about whether they are eligible candidates to run for the presidency on that date.

If there is only one presidential candidate the Presidential Elections Committee deems eligible, then that candidate will be declared the President immediately.

There will be a walkover for the nomination of the President, and there is no need for all of us to go down and queue to mark a little cross on a piece of paper.

If there are multiple eligible candidates to run for President, then head to the polling stations on 1 September 2023, a Friday.

Polling Day is set to be a public holiday, so here’s hoping that there are multiple presidential candidates for this year’s presidential election.

Apart from the press release mentioning which days we may get a break, it also elaborated on the requirements for one to be a presidential candidate.

If you dream of becoming the President of Singapore one day with your portrait hung above all school halls, read on.

To be nominated as a presidential candidate, you must provide a few documents on Nomination Day:

  • Certificate of Eligibility issued by the Presidential Elections Committee
  • Community Certificate issued by the Community Committee
  • Political Donation Certificate

Suppose you don’t have a Community Certificate issued by the Community Committee. In that case, you must have a Notice of Rejection of Application for Community Certificate or a Notice of Acceptance of Community Declaration together with the Statutory Declaration that Nominee Does Not Belong to Any Community).

And don’t forget the deposit of $40,500, which you have to pay via PayNow or bank transfer if you want to apply to be the President.

So do you think you have what it takes to be the President of Singapore?

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