Coronavirus Patient in S’pore Opened Up About Her Experience & Praised S’pore Medical Workers

In every crisis, there would be heroes and zeroes.

And this Wuhan virus outbreak in Singapore, the heroes are those people who worked tirelessly and selflessly in the hospital. G.E.M did a video thanking them and you really need to check it out here.

The zeroes are those people who hoarded so many foods from the supermarket yesterday, I had to watch Netflix without my usual potato chips yesterday. Damn it, should have bought more of those chips earlier.

Today, the second patient who was tested positive for the Wuhan virus in Singapore spoke up, and as expected, she has nothing but praises for those unsung heroes in surgical masks and gowns.

Coronavirus Patient in S’pore Opened Up About Her Experience & Praised S’pore Medical Workers

The first Wuhan virus patient who’s discharged from the hospital is Singapore’s second confirmed case.

Known as Ms Jiang, she spoke to the media for the first time and related her experience.

But before that, here’s some context: the 53-year-old had come to Singapore to sightsee with her daughter (she’s not infected) after hearing how friendly Singaporeans are. And to do that, her daughter had to save her salary because let’s face it: Singapore’s expensive AF.

She had arrived in Singapore on 21 January 2020 morning, and felt unwell in the afternoon.

The next day, she started to cough more and had a fever.

Initially, she had gone to Raffles Hospital, but as she was from Wuhan, the staff in Raffles Hospital treated her as a suspect and sent her to Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

You know what’s impressive? Back then, the first case of Wuhan virus wasn’t even reported in Singapore—and medical professionals are already taking precautions.

Powder lah.

When she was in Tan Tock Seng Hospital, she didn’t think it would be the Wuhan virus. After all, back then, people just found out that human-to-human transmission was possible.

Can’t believe it’s only been two weeks, eh?

Medical Workers = Heroes

Okay, I use the word “heroes” myself but you’d agree with me after reading what she’s said.

According to Ms Jiang, the medical staff is caring and encouraging. She emphasized a few times that she received very good medical care and was grateful to the staff.

When she was shocked that she was given such good care even when she was a foreigner, the medical team simply said, “It is our job.”

Ms Jiang added that they have “hearts of gold”.

And here’s even something worth fanboying / fangirling over: there was a chartered flight back to Wuhan, and Ms Jiang thought she would be in it.

However, the doctor apologised to her as she can’t be discharged yet.

Simi sai, why the doctor must apologise for doing his or her job?! Give him or her a raise already!

Ms Jiang immediately said, “I should thank you. You are being responsible to me, to others, and your profession by not discharging me. There is no need for you to apologise to me, I should thank you instead.”

I don’t know why, but I’m suddenly so proud of our medical team.

And you should, too.

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