Couple Predicted Accident Between Cyclist & Driver at New Upper Changi Road A Few Seconds Before It Happened

It appears that Wanda and Vision have materialised here in Singapore.

I mean; how else could you possibly explain the foretelling abilities of the following couple?

Boss: Well, it could be a simple matter of vigilance?

As I was saying, they’re definitely Wanda and Vision. I’m calling it.

Couple Predicted Accident Between Cyclist & Driver at New Upper Changi Road A Few Seconds Before It Happened

Well alright, so maybe they aren’t actually Marvel characters, but their foretelling abilities have certainly got us hooked.

Just yesterday (13 August 2021), Facebook page posted a video on the social media platform.

In the video, a white car could be seen turning onto the main road.

At the same time, a cyclist suddenly moved into its path, stopping just in front of it.

They ended up colliding into each other, with the cyclist ending up in a heap on the floor.

The driver of the white car then got out of his vehicle, and they appeared to share a conversation.

Image: Facebook (

Yet, what really intrigued media outlets was the conversation beforehand.

As you may have surmised, the video footage hail’s from a car’s dashboard-mounted camera, and a couple was present at the time.

And right before the collision occurred, the woman asked the male to check one specific side.

“When you want to turn,” she said. “A cyclist may suddenly come out from the other direction”.

You can view the full footage down below:

Who’s In The Wrong?

Overpowered abilities aside, it appears that Netizens are more concerned with who’s right, and who’s wrong.

Most have, however, sided with the car, with several branding the cyclist as a “road pest”.

However, Road Traffic Rules and the Highway Code suggest that both parties may have actually been in the wrong.

On one hand, the cyclist should have stopped before the car park exit.

He’s also required to give way to “to any motor vehicle or stream of vehicles immediately approaching him… or leaving or entering the car park”.

On the other hand, the driver needed to “give way to vehicles going straight on and to pedestrians”.

He should also “look right, then left, then right again”, and only move off when it’s entirely safe to do so.


Unfortunately, such cyclist vs driver instances are more common than one would’ve preferred.

And despite the government’s wish to cut down on such altercations, road wars are still not ceasing.

In fact, just a few days ago, a cyclist shared a video of him crashing, when he seemed to have the right of way.

Rather than winning over the Internet, however, he got blamed by several Netizens instead.

It seems that this is one “civil war” that would not end so quickly after all.

There are also certain rules cyclists in Singapore have to follow but most don’t. Watch this video to the end to learn about these rules:

Read Also:

Featured Image: Facebook ( 

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