COVID-19 Updates Singapore (18 Mar): 47 New Cases with 33 Being Imported

Yes, you’ve read it right: the number of new cases today hit an all-time high of 47 new cases in a day.

33 of them are imported cases, with 30 of them being Singapore residents who are coming back from overseas.

With so many new cases, listing down the cases might not be useful, so here’s are the new measures that the Multi-Ministry Taskforce would be enforcing:

All People Entering Singapore to be Issued a 14-Day Stay-Home Notice

Previously, only people coming from certain countries would be issued a SHN.

However, as of 20 March 2020, 11:59pm, anyone who comes in from outside of Singapore will be issued a 14-day SHN. They’ll have to show the authorities on the proof of place where they would be staying, whether in a hotel, their own place or their relative’s / friend’s place.

And do note that this applies to everyone, whether you’re a Singaporean, a person with a long-term pass in Singapore or a tourist.

Now, how about Singaporeans coming in from Malaysia?

There won’t be much difference since Malaysia is under the Movement Control Order, but the authorities are still discussing a joint mitigation plan to ensure the safe and sustainable movement of people, goods and services between the two countries. More details will be revealed at a later date.

MOH has created a handy table that’ll be easier to understand:

What to Do During a Stay-Home Notice

Other than finishing up all the Netflix shows you’ve been dying to watch, you cannot leave the house at all and must take note of these two primary points:

  • Check for symptoms
  • Observe good personal hygiene (don’t share food!)

Your family members can stay with you but you should observe good personal hygiene. The moment you feel unwell, avoid contact with them immediately and seek medical attention.

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National Development Minister Lawrence Wong, who co-chairs the multi-ministry task force set up to fight the outbreak, said, “We cannot afford to take further risks if the number of imported cases continue to rise. That’s why additional measures are being put in place.”

Well, with a whopping 47 new confirmed cases, I think you should now know what to do.

In the meantime, keep yourself updated by bookmarking MOH’s website here and registering for the’s WhatsApp service here.

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