The authorities have been warning us about the possibility of a spike in COVD-19 infections in Singapore given that there’s a growing trend globally.
Well, today’s the day that we should have been mentally prepared, because for the first time since the virus landed on Singapore, we’re seeing a double-digit jump in new cases announced.
The highest number announced before today was back on 14 February 2020 when 9 cases were reported.
Today, 13 new cases were announced.
13 New COVID-19 Cases in S’pore Today (6 Mar); 9 Linked to SAFRA Jurong Cluster
Out of all the 13 new confirmed cases, 9 of them are linked to the SAFRA Jurong Cluster, which is a private dinner at Joy Garden restaurant on 15 February 2020.
However, it should be noted that not all these 9 people were at the dinner: some were linked to people who had been to the dinner.
The SAFRA Jurong cluster now has a total of 17 linked cases.

In addition, there are 2 likely imported cases: 1 is a 47-year-old SIA cabin crew who had been to South Africa from 14 February to 17 February, and France between 22 February to 24 February. The other is a Singapore PR who had been to Germany from 27 February to 5 March.
France now has 423 cases while Germany has 545 cases.
That leaves us with 2 more confirmed cases.
1 of them is a Singtel staff who had been sick since 27 February 2020, and was confirmed to be positive for the virus yesterday afternoon. The other is a 77-year-old Singaporean who could be linked to Case 109, as he was in the same hospital ward as Case 109 before Case 109 was confirmed to have the virus.
To summarise, here’s today’s announcement in point form:
- 9 linked to SAFRA Jurong cluster
- 2 most likely imported case
- 1 with no known link yet (Singtel staff)
- 1 could be infected because he was warded with someone who was later tested positive
This means in total, there are 130 confirmed cases in Singapore so far.
Updates on Confirmed Cases
Out of the 130 confirmed cases, 82 of them have fully recovered and have been discharged. 9 are now in ICU, an increase from 7 yesterday. The conditions of the remaining patients are either stable or improving.
As of noon today, MOH has identified 3,366 close contacts who have been quarantined. Of these, 389 are currently quarantined, and 2,977 have completed their quarantine.
For your reference, these are now the local clusters that have been identified:
- Grace Assembly of God + The Life Church and Missions Singapore = 29 cases
- SAFRA Jurong private dinner = 17 cases
- Wizlearn Technologies = 14 cases
- Yong Thai Hang shop = 9 cases
- Seletar Aerospace Heights construction site = 5 cases
- Grand Hyatt Singapore = 3 cases (more overseas)
Also, keep yourself updated by bookmarking MOH’s website here and registering for the’s WhatsApp service here.