Cruel Son Kicked & Punched Mother At Bedok Home Because She Didn’t Give Him Money To Get Driving License

The Chinese have a saying: “Hitting is doting, scolding is love.” And while controversial, the phrase does have a place and time. However, the headline you read on the way in constitutes no such notion, as the “cruel son” who so viciously “punched” his own “mother” did so not out of love…

But ill-concealed rage.

And so, it’s with ill-concealed rage myself that I present the following article headline:

Cruel Son Kicked & Punched Mother At Bedok Home Because She Didn’t Give Him Money To Get A Driving License

According to The New Paper, the assault happened at Loh Soon Fatt’s Bedok home on 27 Nov 2016, when Loh asked his mother for $2,000 to $3,000 to get a driver’s license and the latter said no. Enraged, Loh then kicked his mother on her left buttock, before driving her out to the living room where he punched her face and pinched her right ear.

Loh subsequently prevented her from calling the cops, but she managed to get help from a man passing out fliers at the common corridor.

A PPO, which prohibited the usage of family violence against one’s mother, had already been issued against Loh in March that year.

It Only Gets Worse And Worse

The PPO might’ve helped to calm the waters, but it didn’t manage to work out in the long run. In the early hours of 12 May 2017, Loh breached the PPO when he pulled at his mother’s bolster and tapped on her bed while she was trying to sleep. He also hurled vulgarities at her, as he was looking for a mattress for his then-girlfriend.

Four months later, Loh argued with his mother when the latter advised a different girlfriend of Loh’s to consult the doctor for her cough. Irked, Loh instructed his mother to stop being so nosy, before kicking her left thigh and punching her right temple.

While the aforementioned incidents have been terrifying enough, the last straw only came on 23 June 2018, when Loh asked his mother for $20 in order to get a cab ride.

She then passed him $10, before moving to sit on the living room sofa.

Irritated, Loh kicked the sofa before pulling his mother out of the living room towards the common corridor, where he nailed her chest two to three times with his fist.

She fell to the ground and suffered bruises on her elbow and right chest.

A 44-year-old tenant, who stayed with Loh and his mother, followed them outside as she was worried for the victim’s safety and reportedly witnessed the assault.

She called the police, and Loh was arrested.


In July 2019, Loh pleaded guilty to two counts each of “voluntarily causing hurt” to his 56-year-old mother and breaching an imposed PPO:

He was sentenced to a two-week detention order (SDO) on 22 Jan 2020.

Note: A SDO is essentially a jail term of up to 14 days with no criminal record.

In addition, Loh was also handed a 12-month day reporting order, and he’s required to go for counselling for his violence-related issues.

He was also ordered by District Judge May Mesenas to pursue help for alcohol use and poor coping at the Institute of Mental Health’s National Addictions Management Services.

A Mother’s Love Knows No Bounds

Mothers had, or rather have, arguably the toughest professions in the world. For one they gotta lug your heavy ass around for nine months, and depending on on the conceiving date the period might differ. And for two, they’ve to take care of your growing ass for the next 21 years, although again, depending on your maturity rate, the period might differ again.

Image: Imtidad

So if you’ve any tendencies towards violence, and you’re liable to take it on your own mother… remember;

They didn’t put in so much effort to raise you up, just for you to hit them where it hurts.

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