Daiso’s a brand that needs no introduction – having hailed from Japan, everyone simply loves it for the affordable price you have to pay at only $2 for every item without sacrificing quality, regardless of what it is.
Sometimes, you can even truly find gems there – not to mention you can buy quick and affordable gifts, too.
Unfortunately, our days of Daiso-retail-therapy are about to take a hit from 1 May, as our beloved items are no longer selling at $2 each.
Even Daiso Can’t Escape GST Hike
The Japanese retail giant will start charging 7% Goods and Services Tax for all their products, starting 1 May 2022.
A Facebook post of the price change notice read:
“Price change notice
Dear valued customers,
Thank you for all your continuous support. We always strive to keep prices as affordable as possible. To continue improving the quality of our products, there will be a price change.
All prices will be exclusive of GST from May 1, 2022.”

The Facebook user also did the math for us, to predict possible future prices.
In 2022, 7% GST would mean each item costs $2.14. 8% GST in 2023 would raise it up to $2.16, and 9% in 2024 would mean that each product would sell at $2.18.
$2.14: Round Up or Down?
Of course, many people started crying rivers of tears at the thought of Daiso raising their prices.
After all, their prices have been consistent for so many years that it was hard to believe an old friend has forsaken us like this. The mentality of “aiya, it’s just $2” will soon become “wait, is this really worth the extra $0.14?”
Commenters also calculated that with a 7% GST charge, you can buy 14 items for $30, instead of 15 items.
But commenters had more important questions, namely: would Daiso round up or round down $2.14?
But everyone agreed on one thing: it’s time to stock up on your essential Daiso products and get your money’s worth before 1 May 2022.
Featured Image: Facebook (Ava P Burgh) and Daiso